Seems similar to a debate that runs in guitar circles: heavier strings = better tone.
This is not a point of view that I subscribe to: I play with light-ish strings and it sounds fine to me and to the audience.
I think the important thing is to play what's right for you, not what's right for someone else. If I try playing with heavier strings, I don't sound as good because I'm fighting the strings and so my tone and playing suffers. It's not a question of light vs heavier, it's more a question of right for me vs not right for me.
From what I've heard about reed strengths, it's a similar thing: don't stress about hard vs soft, find what suits you right now (I bought one each of a range of different strengths and played each to find what was comfortable), and play with that. It may well change with time, but you have to play with what suits you now, not what will suit you in 6 months time.