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I started my random scrivenings in part because I know how easy it is for newcomers to music to be deterred by not feeling good enough, or imposter syndrome. My first foray into music as a performer was not until I started singing lessons in my mid-30s. I did't pick up sax and cello until my early 50s.

I've written in the past about for example why people should join some sort of group/community band/orchestra as soon as they start. (There is an article on the site about that.)

My blog posts are about my life as an amateur musician and the other things that go on too - we're all different. Sometimes our music takes us in strange directions...
As I said in my introductory post, @Tenor Viol, you were the inspiration for my 'blog'. Ever since I joined the the café, I've always enjoyed reading your wide-ranging and insightful personal blog ('musings'). I honestly doubt that my blog ('musings') will ever become as wide-ranging, insightful or long-lasting as your, but I'm sincerely grateful to you for providing me with the inspiration!


Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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