Instrument cases, loads of 'em, going cheap!


Well-Known Member
I've recently aquired a load of instrument cases, and before I list them on the devil's junkyard I'll offer them here to anyone who might need a case. I've got

A very nice Yanagisawa alto case. Of the current model range, has been sat in a shop unused as the buyer of the sax bought a different case. Complete with keys.



Yamaha alto case, as supplied with YAS 275 until recently. Same situation as the Yani case.



Let's say £35 for the Yanagisawa and £30 for the Yamaha.

I also have the following:

For alto sax
Trevor James 'The Horn' case, quite nice.
Selmer ABS case (as US Selmer, not the good, French gear)
Elkhart ABS case, with keys.
Jupiter hard case.

For soprano sax

3x straight sop leather (ish) cases

Yamaha ABS case
Unnamed, but looks Yamaha ish hard case

Tenor sax
Reasonable quality generic hard case, vynil covered with ali end protectors

Bassoon (yes, really)
Amati bassoon case.

Let's say twenty quid for the tenor case, fifteen for any of the others. Postage at cost or collect from either Surrey or central London. I'll donate 10% to the charity fund on any of these.
Re the cases, obviously I’m looking for something that can be stripped internally and re-foamed by me- Mr Bass clarinet measures 15 x 35 x 57cm
Also- anything vaguely fitting an – ahem- ‘instrument’ measuring 86 x 23 x about 12 (I think you should be able to guess what this one’s for  …. Yup, transporting a side of smoked salmon! )
Re the cases, obviously I’m looking for something that can be stripped internally and re-foamed by me- Mr Bass clarinet measures 15 x 35 x 57cm
Also- anything vaguely fitting an – ahem- ‘instrument’ measuring 86 x 23 x about 12 (I think you should be able to guess what this one’s for  …. Yup, transporting a side of smoked salmon! )

Bassoon case is far to thin, barely 10cm across. Would a traditional boxy alto case do, they're about 60cm long, 30 wide and 15 or so deep? Looks a bit tight for your measurements.
I would be interested in buying the yanagisawa case and a soprano case. Does the soprano case fit a one piece soprano? And also would the shipping to sweden be crazy expensive?
Hi there, the sop cases are for straight sops. If you measure the length of your one piece soprano, I'll properly measure the case for you. A quick check on postage costs suggests that three to five day delivery to Sweden should be less than £30.

Tenor sax case on hold pending funds, Elkhart alto one redeployed, housing another sax. There've been a couple of other enquiries but the others are all still there - if no interest I'll start to list them on eBay.
Now have the three soprano cases, Selmer and Jupiter alto cases, the trumpet cases and bassoon case. If you're interested in any of these let me know - try an offer.

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