Improv over Aoelian Backing Track

Not bad.
But please don't call it Aeolian. Call it Minor. Your musical concepts will improve.
I agree with aldevis, keep away from using those 'mode' names, calling it minor is far better. nice smooth simplistic and melodic, always good when using repeatative phrases.
Nice melodic lines, perhaps a little more rhythmic variation might be good. +1 to keeping away from Modes at this stage. Maj and Min are enough.
Nice melodic lines, perhaps a little more rhythmic variation might be good. +1 to keeping away from Modes at this stage. Maj and Min are enough.

:confused: That's my thoughts 🙂))🙂))🙂)) he's playing over a track in 1 mode so why not say he's plaing that certain mode :confused::confused::confused:>:)
Aebersold gets you straight in the modes and also learns you about different minors,learn them in 1 go,hey your done.
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:confused: That's my thoughts 🙂))🙂))🙂)) he's playing over a track in 1 mode so why not say he's plaing that certain mode :confused::confused::confused:>:)

Because on the first chord, if you don't think aeolian but minor, you could put a lovely natural sixth. Or even a major 7th, like John Coltrane on Mr. PC (that is supposed to be dorian but he plays concert B quite often)
Because on the first chord, if you don't think aeolian but minor, you could put a lovely natural sixth. Or even a major 7th, like John Coltrane on Mr. PC (that is supposed to be dorian but he plays concert B quite often)

Lets get back to your 1st thought,you said don't call it Aeolian.Why cant he learn now that he's using a scale which is called this and yes its a minor scale but I find its best learning all ways a scale,chord can be called.Why avoid something that Many many many people teach in this format,a huge 1 being Aebersold.He is jamming over a fixed track in that mode,scale,minor form so he's learning it in a very basic way which in good for him and his ears to hear the scale colours on the chord.I cant see any point in avoiding something.Lifes too short I find.
I find its best learning all ways a scale,chord can be called.

I totally agree.
But when I was young I learned from JA that
Dm7=dorian G7=Mixolidian C=ionian
This approach seriously slowed me down from learning properly harmonic progressions.
Luckily I found a teacher with a good antidote (months of painful practicing)
I totally agree.
But when I was young I learned from JA that
Dm7=dorian G7=Mixolidian C=ionian
This approach seriously slowed me down from learning properly harmonic progressions.
Luckily I found a teacher with a good antidote (months of painful practicing)

As ever each to his/her way and what suits 1 might not suit another.We all know music theory is a Huge bag of snakes and as we see here theres lots of different ways to learn 1 certain thing.In the end though the magic is making it sound good.Thats the hard bit 🙂))
Theres no golden rule as again its what suits a person and what/which way they find falls into place more easy for them.
I teach modes but right from the start I emphasise that they are foundations and that improvising should come from within the player - what sounds right/interesting, and also how it important to learn the language by listening - put all that together and you'll be on the right track :thumb:
Maybe the debate about when modes should be taught should be somewhere else? Eunza deserves to have this space for comments about his offering.

Eunza! good effort in hearing where all those notes are lurking and bringing them forward. Seems like you are using your ear instead of just a catalog of notes that theoretically fit. That's good and (IMHO) the right track to be on. It's fine to use a limited palate for note choices as long as you do this from a framework of communicating something (melody or feeling). As others had indicated there are other elements, such as rhythm, dynamics, phrasing, note shaping, etc. that can be added to bring more to that communication.

Editing is a separate skill that has little/nothing to do with your playing, but helps in presentation. This is not a good recording from a technical perspective, or in knowing how much is enough. IMHO it's best to present whatever your idea is as succinctly as possible. This could have been a 2 minute piece as everything was said by then. Leave your audience wanting more, not bored with hearing the same thing over and over. This may not be advice that one would give if doing an album of music for background, but this isn't the sort of place where one would present that sort of thing, except maybe as a snippet.
and he is playing over 1 minor track in 1 minor key, simpler.

And the track is also in the Aeolion mode and he's using the Aeolian scale with it, simple :shocked:>:)🙂)) theres some Mode police knocking about here 🙂))🙂))🙂)) we have to have a laugh some how boys.
theres some Mode police knocking about here

Not really. I simply dare to give some (free) advice that could help to avoid errors that I did.
Everyone can play whatever prefers.

I am currently reading this
When he talks of modes, he talks modal. Aeolian means that you insert a b6 in the voicing of the I minor chord. It does not seem to happen in the first part of backing track, but I can be wrong
Not really. I simply dare to give some (free) advice that could help to avoid errors that I did.
Everyone can play whatever prefers.

I am currently reading this
When he talks of modes, he talks modal. Aeolian means that you insert a b6 in the voicing of the I minor chord. It does not seem to happen in the first part of backing track, but I can be wrong

Yea but theres plenty of books with backing tracks that are written in the Aeolian form .I still find it strange people telling other people not to learn something a certain way when its taught so much !!!!!! as I said in my 1st thoughts why avoid anything.Why rob yourself of information.And again its best learning all the ways a mode,scale,chord etc can be called.used etc etc.As for the backing track the purpose I find is your playing.learning and hearing the scales tone colours over a mostly static chord.This is the way we learn its traits and we become familiar with its sound.I wish I could thank myself and I would 🙂))🙂))🙂))
I end my thoughts now as it is a soundclip thread.
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ah didn't realise I'd stir up such a debate!

To be honest I only called it improv over aoelian as it was in the title of the original backing track - I generally play by ear anyway.

Thanks for the comments on the recording - Wade thanks for pointing the length issue out. I definitely could have shortened it to 2 mins and it was also lacking some other elements as mentioned and will work on these
i'd run through the recording a few times and it felt a little forced and going through the motions.
- great to have some little projects to work on!


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