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Exams Ignorant American doesn't know about "Grades"

Hi JT,

the grades when referring to music education in the UK, are levels starting at 1 and working through to grade 8 each level gets progressively harder that the last.
each exam consists of playing:
1. Certain scales and arpeggios by memory both slurred and tongued,
2. 3 test pieces which are available off the shelf (so you know the pieces before the exam and can prepare them with your tutor)
3. a sight reading test.
4. an Aural test.

The there are 2 main examining boards Guildhall and the ABRSM.

Here is the syllabus for the ABRSM grades 1 to 8

To play past grade 5 one needs to have at least grade 5 theory ( separate exam)
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They're a measure of progress. Usually a student will prepare with the music teacher, who'd assess a suitable level to attempt. No point in trying for grade 8 when you're playing at grade 1 for instance. All the details are on the web sites. And it's possible to sit the ABRSM (not sure about Trinity) internationally.

We have different exams in Germany, and they're mostly voluntary, although to get into university for music, you need an exam assessed standard that is, as far as I know, equivalent to grade 8.
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They're a measure of progress. Usually a student will prepare with the music teacher, who'd assess a suitable level to attempt. No point in trying for grade 8 when you're playing at grade 1 for instance. All the details are on the web sites. And it's possible to sit the ABRSM (not sure about Trinity) internationally.

We have different exams in Germany, and they're mostly voluntary, although to get into university for music, you need an exam assessed standard that is, as far as I know, equivalent to grade 8.

and you don't have to start at grade 1 and progress through every grade. You can jump in wherever suits you best and miss the odd one out if you wish. Or if you like to collect the whole set, you can take each one. There are usually 2 or 3 times per year when you can take an exam - say December, March and June.

And I learnt recently that music grades from grade 6 and up count towards (UK) university entrance points, although I'd guess that's only really any use if you want to take music, rather than (say) a science, but nonetheless you can put them on your University application form :D
The Canadian Royal Conservatory of Music do exams in the US, and ABRSM from the UK do too. I don't know if there's an equivalent in the US...

The ABRSM grades (and Trinity/Guildhall) are supposed to equate to a year's worth of study, for an 'average' student. Obviously this depends on what playing and practice the student has done in the year!

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