Identify This Sax Please !


New Member
I have been left an old sax and so I have been trying to identify it, however I cannot find anything on the web that nails the manufacturer. Can anyone help please? I am beginning to think that there may have been an old UK company who no longer exist ! This is what I know:

The sax has the name "Paramount" engraved onto it, and just above the name is a engraving of a metronome. Elsewhere, the numbers "1951" are engraved which must be the year of manufacture? And that it! I shall try to upload some pics - any help would be greatly welcome. Thank you in advance. And if i'm being thick - like its a "paramount", please tell me :<)
I have been left an old sax and so I have been trying to identify it, however I cannot find anything on the web that nails the manufacturer. Can anyone help please? I am beginning to think that there may have been an old UK company who no longer exist ! This is what I know:

The sax has the name "Paramount" engraved onto it, and just above the name is a engraving of a metronome. Elsewhere, the numbers "1951" are engraved which must be the year of manufacture? And that it! I shall try to upload some pics - any help would be greatly welcome. Thank you in advance. And if i'm being thick - like its a "paramount", please tell me :<)
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whilst I cannot tel you the manufacturer of your instrument, I can fairly confidently say that the "1951" is not the year of manufacture but the serial number of the instrument.

You may want to take a look at the saxes here: in the picture gallery to compare your sax with others.
Good luck and let us know hopw you get on.
Sorry, I thought I'd replied to this.

Best guess from me is that it's a post war sax - late 40s/early 50s. From either Amati in Czechoslovakia, or what was VEB in Markneukirchen, the former East Germany. VEB were using those plain white pads without reflectors for quite a while after WWII.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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