I finally found someone to help me learn music!

Finally after much hunting I have found someone to help me practice. It's my cat. If I am playing well and hitting the notes right he sits there and looks at me. If I am playing badly and hitting sour notes, he runs and hides under the bed. Best practice partner ever. :thumb:
Finally after much hunting I have found someone to help me practice. It's my cat. If I am playing well and hitting the notes right he sits there and looks at me. If I am playing badAloysiusly and hitting sour notes, he runs and hides under the bed. Best practice partner ever. :thumb:

Hi What interesting comment that about your cat .

A certain tabloid whom most forum followers know I consider to be the definitive purveyor of factual reporting had the following Headline: April 31st 1978.
`Cat with perfect Pitch.`
Mr Aloysius Mitt the second, a mortician and student of `Funeral March Music` resident in Baton Rouge informed this newspaper of the following, while tuning up on his Conn alto in a no longer used embalming studio, he accidentally trod on the tail of Muggsy Malone his pet `American Shorthair.`. Much to Aloysius surprise the cat mewled a perfect F sharp. Mr M. then played an A while gently treading on said tail with the same result. His wife Mamie bore witness to this remarkable event (So it must be true, Mamie is vice-president of `Daughters of the American Revolution.` Southern chapter.)

Unfortunately Mr M. fell victim to the arduous observations of his neighbour Ms Arlene Pulse a well known vegetarian and local busybody. (Real name omitted on advice of our attorneys.)

Ms Pulse reported the mortician to the local branch of the A.S.P.C.A who took immediate action and had Mitt the second arrested and incarcerated in the local Sheriffs office detention cell. At time of writing the casket carrier is doing community service as penance for his misdemeanors.

Note to all animal lovers: Muggsy not at all traumatized by his forced foray into the world of saxophone playing has been adopted by Missy Arlene, who recently entered him into a competition where he (Muggsy.) was awarded second ribbon for `Best Vegetarian American Shorthair (Neutered) Category. `

Byline: Our esteemed Small Animals Editor was heard to remark " A cationary tail ? what." Ever the jester Abner. Mint Juleps all round.>:) N.
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When I started playing my two Queens sat outside the door looking worried.
Now they just sleep through it.
I recently started with soprano and my |German shepherd bitch has started howling when I play it. I have to go into the spare room and shut the door. She's never bothered with the alto or the bari but the sop seems to touch a nerve. I must take her out busking. Make a packet. Very comical.

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