Prepare to be bored silly but I have just taken delivery of a Hanson ST 6 tenor and it's very pretty (cos that's what it's all about isn't it?). Lol. I've never had a desire to play tenor before but recent events ( won't bore you) have led me to the decision I need a tenor in my life. Anyway I didn't have a massive budget and knew if I went to Stuart at WE I would come away with something I couldn't afford! I didn't want the hassle of eBay, there wasn't anything on yard sale and I wanted something modern so I rang Alistair on Monday. He is everything and more that people say about him. A real gent. We discussed at some length what I wanted and he had one of the last German body ex demo ST6 which he has sent me to try. At a very good discount. From April the entire sax is going to be British made and I have the option of going to try the prototypes once in production. Anyway my excitement has to be contained as I have a big band gig tonight and don't want to be playing all day as I will have no lip later. I'm helping mother move house tomorrow so guess what I'll be doing all day Sunday? I'll post a review when I can but first impressions are very favourable.