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Couldn't help myself and bought a new alto a couple of weeks ago, so earlier this week I took it down to WWR in Cambridge (great shop) to see if I could find a mouthpiece that would make me sound awesome.
Unfortunately, such a mouthpiece has yet to be invented, but I did try out a few types and came away with a definite favourite:
While they all sounded different, they also felt different, responding differently to my blowing, some more squeaky for me than others, some with different approaches to intonation than others...a couple of bright ones, some darker ones...
Well, there was one that I kept coming back to, and it wasn't one that I had considered (or even really heard of), but in the end it really was an obvious choice for me, on my horn, as it sounds good, blows easily, and is consistent in tone across the range of notes.
I now own a Vandoren AL3 😀
Unfortunately, such a mouthpiece has yet to be invented, but I did try out a few types and came away with a definite favourite:
While they all sounded different, they also felt different, responding differently to my blowing, some more squeaky for me than others, some with different approaches to intonation than others...a couple of bright ones, some darker ones...
Well, there was one that I kept coming back to, and it wasn't one that I had considered (or even really heard of), but in the end it really was an obvious choice for me, on my horn, as it sounds good, blows easily, and is consistent in tone across the range of notes.
I now own a Vandoren AL3 😀