How to transcribe fast runs?

Hi guys! Lately, I've been hearing John Coltrane on alto and I heard him play a lick that I really liked & a piano solo by Joe Sample. Trouble is that the runs are fast for me to transcribe. How can I successfully transcribe runs that are fast? I ask this because I tried doing it once by slowing the recording down but then it sounds quite distorted if I put the recording at a really slow tempo using the audio software.
Not all software slows audio down in the same way. You may find a program that does it better than the one you're using. Other than that, it's the usual - practise.
I'm sure there are programs (apps? Showing my age...) that can slow audio down without altering the pitch. Other than that, when I'm practising faster runs I start by just picking out the first note of each group, then the second, and I work on the quavers, then the semis, then the semi-demis - would an approach like that help?
I use Best pracice.. a light open source program in which you can alter the speed (slower and faster) and you can alter the pitch

quite handy tool!
Cakewalk/Sonar... But a bit expensive just for that purpose. Good if you also wish to create your own midi.🙂

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