Beginner How to play C to D quickly?

Ooh er...

I thought I'd replied to this but it must have vanished into the ether.

Anyway, it was only a reminder that for a quick C-D-C or a C to D trill, keep your finger on the C and trill with the high Eb key.
How can I play C to D really quickly ? I know there must be a shortcut !?!

The conventional C to D fingering is fundamental to the saxophone technique. It is awkward at first for players starting out because so many fingers must change at one time. It helps to practice the fingering change without blowing to focus just on the fingering. Remember to keep the fingers close to the keys and to avoid lifting the thumb. Simply rock the thumb forward and back resting on the thumb pad to press and release the octave key.

If you concentrate on moving the fingers smoothly and together first, the speed will take care of itself. With a bit of practice it will become as fast and smooth as any other fingering on the sax.

A good rule of thumb for building technique is to master the regular fingerings first before substituting alternate fingerings. That way you will have a good command of both.
Another shortcut is to play C using the low c fingering but blow it up an octave. Holding the octave key should make this happen. Then D quick transitions to D will be a doddle.

But it is essential IMO to get a good technique first with the conventional fingering before using alternative fingerings.
Thanks for that ! I have the conventional fingering mastered but this was for a really fast piece more of a trill I suppose

The conventional C to D fingering is fundamental to the saxophone technique. It is awkward at first for players starting out because so many fingers must change at one time. It helps to practice the fingering change without blowing to focus just on the fingering. Remember to keep the fingers close to the keys and to avoid lifting the thumb. Simply rock the thumb forward and back resting on the thumb pad to press and release the octave key.

If you concentrate on moving the fingers smoothly and together first, the speed will take care of itself. With a bit of practice it will become as fast and smooth as any other fingering on the sax.

A good rule of thumb for building technique is to master the regular fingerings first before substituting alternate fingerings. That way you will have a good command of both.
Not on any saxes I own. Are you sure you've got this right?
OK, i stand corrected, well correctedish, although i can use this fingering no problem it is necessary to lip it up a bit, alternatively lift your G finger to bring it into tone.
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The normal C to D trill is as I said above. Pete's way will work too (but it sounds horrible).
You need to listen to John Hurt. Sounds good when he does it.

re: the C to D trill,depending on your embouchure and how the horn is set up, this can be either the Eb or D palm keys.
Surprising how many do not realise that tenor sax was Mississippi John Hurt's first instrument before he found the blues guitar was financially superior.

Now apologise to that nice Mr. Thomas.

Sorry, Mr Thomas. <slaps wrist>

Was he playing sax or guitar when he did Elephant Man?

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