Saxophones How quickly does stock turn over in a retailer?

Davey Managed to find a Brand new Yamaha YTS62 Mk2 in May 2013 when the MkIII had been out on the shelves since later part of 2012 .. a popular horn in the North's largest sax shop (Woodwind exchange) ..
In the time My Stephanhouser found its eventual owner (me) , the maker had gone bust, the company and its horns totally forgotten (well, by all bar Prof-James anyway) had been hanging around in the shop for at least 7 years .... when was it built ? , who knows but probably about 10 years ago as it was a demo model .

As for my YSS475-II , if this counts it was bought new and given to someone as a present, they hung onto it for about a year not touching it, sold it to a dealer who play tested it and sold it to me - I was the first to actually put a tune through it . I`m going to get a year-date from Yamaha on it ..
Stephanhouser are an exception but it is interesting to see how long a "new" sax may be on the shelf before being bought.
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Well My 475-II has been checked and is only a MONTH old !! . you`d think that someone who`d paid that kinda price for something would make sure the recipient actually would want it ! . I got a good deal (for once - I usually end up paying more than everyone else)
Well My 475-II has been checked and is only a MONTH old !! . you`d think that someone who`d paid that kinda price for something would make sure the recipient actually would want it ! . I got a good deal (for once - I usually end up paying more than everyone else)
But.....weren't you told it had been given as a present a year previously?
I wasn`t told how long it was, I assumed based on evidence - There was one on Preloved which the owner had done this with and it had sold .. then suddenly a dealer gets an unplayed 475-II in and I assume its the same one ......... obviously it wasn`t - I thought at the time that they must have dropped the price a hell of a lot for the dealer have been able to sell it to me for almost what the Preloved buyer was asking AND make a workable profit .. Obviously the dealer didn`t disclose how much they paid or who they got it off .

Looks like there were two , a regular buyer must have got the Preloved one - the dealer clears out a lot of shops and studios anyway
I wasn`t told how long it was, I assumed based on evidence - There was one on Preloved which the owner had done this with and it had sold .. then suddenly a dealer gets an unplayed 475-II in and I assume its the same one ......... obviously it wasn`t - I thought at the time that they must have dropped the price a hell of a lot for the dealer have been able to sell it to me for almost what the Preloved buyer was asking AND make a workable profit .. Obviously the dealer didn`t disclose how much they paid or who they got it off .

Looks like there were two , a regular buyer must have got the Preloved one - the dealer clears out a lot of shops and studios anyway
As long as you got a good deal.
I did and it`s not nicked too (which would have been my first concern if it hadn`t been bought from a good dealer) ..

Just goes to show that you can`t assume anything 😳 ... EG:- It`d be easy to assume by someone who`d been away from the forum taking a cursory glance through the latst posts that I bought your stephanhouser (didn`t you advertise it a while back) as they`re rare, it`s mint and you`re posting that you`re glad I`m happy with it ..
Someone could also easily assume that Griff has rebuilt my old MkVII as it needed tons of work and looked like it had capsized 😀
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