Mouthpieces How do you sound on an Otto link NEW YORK STM ?

Hi all... ( and owners of the NY STM ) :
I probably will have an used Otto Link New York STM ( 6*), and I would like to hear how YOU sound on this mouthpiece ( NY STM , any opening ). I know that each one has his own sound but the character of the mouthpiece gives something to the end result.
May you give me some links to hear your playing with this mouthpiece ?
I appreciate your collaboration
Best Wishes
All Links have that link sound concept to them.In the end its finding a mp/link that just sits.feels,plays,blows the best for you.You know when you find a nice mp as all this just comes together.It just feels more right.Remember the big factor is the human at the end of the mp.You have to play/blow with conviction,emotion and passion to make them notes sweet.
+1 to what Dave said also the "right" mouthpiece you find is when you almost forget it is there when you are playing it.

Also i don't get the full meaning of the thread, are you wanting to send the actual otto link mouthpiece to different people to record with to see how they sound on it?
The question is to "owners of the NY STM, any openings ", playing their own mouthpieces.
sorry if it was misunderstood.
it would be nice to hear different players getting their sound using theis Otto Link NY STM
best wishes

+1 to what Dave said also the "right" mouthpiece you find is when you almost forget it is there when you are playing it.

Also i don't get the full meaning of the thread, are you wanting to send the actual otto link mouthpiece to different people to record with to see how they sound on it?

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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