I think I differ from most. I don't read music and I didn't have a teacher. I didn't spend months choosing mouthpieces or saxes for that matter. I bought a sax from the devils junk yard, I had it serviced, I bought a mouthpiece that I liked the look of, again from ebay and I played along with cds that had sax players that I liked. Players like "Blue" Lou Marini from The Blues brothers, Wes Magoogan from Hazel O'Connors Will you? Not to forget Clarence "The big man" Clemons from Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band.
There were others, too many to mention them all. I then started to get a sound that I liked. In fact, I think my sound is very versatile. I can play soft smooth ballads with the sax sounding almost French horn like, or I can play raunchy Rock 'n' roll. All using the same set up. I didn't do the scales (I wish I had, don't get me wrong, I'd be a lot better than I am and I'd have got there a lot quicker too) I didn't do the long tones, although I do now, I just played for hours, playing along to the same track over and over again until I thought it sounded ok.
Then I went out busking and it all started to come together. Now I need to learn my scales so that I can speed up my fingers and learn some more technical tricks and licks! (And stop being so plody and predictable)