Saxophones How do you date a YAS62 Alto

Hi all, How do you date a YAS62? answer 'get yer coat on yer pulled' sorry had to get that out of my system.
Anyway I would love to know the age of my alto I know this isnt easy, I have tried on the net and can get it to between early 80s (mark 1) to 2000 (mark 2) I know it is a mark1 with a serial no. starting 0505**
any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Hi all, How do you date a YAS62? answer 'get yer coat on yer pulled' sorry had to get that out of my system.
Anyway I would love to know the age of my alto I know this isnt easy, I have tried on the net and can get it to between early 80s (mark 1) to 2000 (mark 2) I know it is a mark1 with a serial no. starting 0505**
any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Yamaha serial dating is rather hard to know.If you know its early then I would just settle on that.
I've seen various posts saying that if you write to Yamaha, they'll tell you, but otherwise it's not easy, cos the records aren't published, and the serial numbers aren't consecutive or necessarily in order. ymmv.
Well i would like to thank you BeBopSax, aka John, you inspired me to get my YTS-62's age checked out so i did what you did and called yamaha, they sorted it out via email after calling head office in Japan and the date of mine was slighty harder but they narrowed it down to being made between 1980 to 1982, a true vintage purple logo 62 that i adore and will never part with.
Well i would like to thank you BeBopSax, aka John, you inspired me to get my YTS-62's age checked out so i did what you did and called yamaha, they sorted it out via email after calling head office in Japan and the date of mine was slighty harder but they narrowed it down to being made between 1980 to 1982, a true vintage purple logo 62 that i adore and will never part with.

I am going to keep mine too, I have had a few saxes now, and I love this one, (I only own one sax) I bought this one recently, and was impressed with the build,finish and sound. I did have a Yanagisawa alto before this one but prefer the Yamaha (I also have had a Selmer sa80 but cant remember what that was like? my 1st was a Trevor James (sounds so British) also a Buescher Aristocrat, was a bit tempramental.... ah reminiscences,,,,,,
I am going to keep mine too, I have had a few saxes now, and I love this one, (I only own one sax) I bought this one recently, and was impressed with the build,finish and sound. I did have a Yanagisawa alto before this one but prefer the Yamaha (I also have had a Selmer sa80 but cant remember what that was like? my 1st was a Trevor James (sounds so British) also a Buescher Aristocrat, was a bit tempramental.... ah reminiscences,,,,,,

What a coincidence! We've been down a very similar alto route - my first was an Aristocrat 200, then a TJ Revolution2, then the wonderful YAS62, which is definitely a keeper. I had mine dated when I first got it (about 7 years ago), it's around 1983 and had the purple logo. I really detested that logo, and had to remove it. I now wonder if I did right, as these ones seem to be quite sought-after now.
I don't know if the mods can do anything to streamline the 'Yamaha serial number search/date' subject ??
I did a search both on the Cafe and the internet generally and it seems to be a can of worms regarding the serial number system.
But I found the site linked below useful in so much as it is collecting data in one place. It's also very easy to submit your own information to help. I know you can contact yamaha too but as I say this looks to be a good budding resource.
Serial Number Lists - YamahaCollector Yamaha Loyalist

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