Accessories Highly Portable Saxophone Stands

Two Voices

Senior Member
When in my studio / office my Saxophones are safely stored on my Wall Mounted Locoparasaxo Stands which I am very happy with. However, when I take my saxophones for a Jam Session, etc … I need a stand for either my Alto or Tenor. My current stands are bulky and don’t fit inside the bell meaning I have to struggle with a bag, stand and my long cane.

So I have been looking at various stands that fit inside the bell. There seems to be a few on the market but I’m not sure which ones would suit me best as I can’t get to try them out. So I was wondering if of you have tried, tested or owned any of the following and what your thoughts are.


K & M Sax Stands
Hercules Sax Stands


K&M 14362 Midge Alto Sax Stand
K & M 14330 Jazz Alto Sax Stand
K & M 14340 Saxxy Alto Stand

Hercules Travlite In-Bell Alto Saxophone Stand DS431B


K & M 14350 Saxxy Tenor Stand

Hercules Travlite In-Bell Tenor Saxophone Stand DS432B
I don't have the in-bell model but I do have the std Hercules Alto/Tenor stand DS530 (2nd down in your 2nd link) thanks to this week 🙂 I also have several other Hercules instrument stands and I am a great fan. They are robustly made and nice and stable.

Although it doesn't fit in bell, it does fold quite compact and comes with a 'shoulder sling' type bag.
I have the K & M 14340 Saxxy alto (& curved soprano) stand for my Alto and its works pretty well. Obviously the bulkier stand you get the more sturdier it is but this little stand does a good job and I've never had it fall over, it can actually tilt over quite a lot before it would topple.

Edit: Just make sure you remember to take the stand (or its case) out of the bell before you play, I've forgotten a couple of times and spent 30 mins wondering why I can't hit nearly all notes 🙂
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Not as portable as some I suppose but...
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These are compact enough to fit in most compartments that are standard on rectangle cases.
Not cheap as usual but a fine and sturdy stand.
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I have a K&M each for tenor and baritone. No problems with either, but I have them in a safe environment. I am not quite convinced that the K&M is the best option for baritone. It feels ever so slightly unsteady. Saxrax might be an option.
I use Aureum's as well, ok so wont fit inside a bell, but they do fold down, but more importantly very sturdy, safe and cool looking. More expensive than others but worth the cost.
I'm a fan of Hercules stands, and have them for bass and sop clarinet as well as SATB saxes (and euphonium!). I also have the "in the bell" version which I take with me whenever I play. My version is a couple of years old, and converts between alto and tenor. I have recently bought (literally just a few days ago, and due to be delivered soon) another couple of "in the bell" stands and they seem to have different ones for alto and tenor now.

I would happily recommend the "in the bell" tenor stand that I have. Just like any stand, it is secure if nudged but will not take a big knock if barged into. It would be easier to topple or knock the instrument out of that stand than the standard Hercules stand, though.

Thanks for all your thoughts! I've not owned a Hercules Stand before but they look solid, so I'm thinking of getting the Hercules Travlite In-Bell Alto Saxophone Stand DS431B and the Hercules Travlite In-Bell Tenor Saxophone Stand DS432B.

I was tempted for the Saxxy Stands but not sure I'd trust my Tenor on one with loads of people whizzing around!
If you're sitting in a big band section then the Hercules Travelite stands are ok , but I prefer the K&M Saxxy.

I have stage-tested both almost to destruction. I bought K&M Saxxy stands for both alto and tenor. I still use the alto version all the time, and the tenor version was great for about four years till someone stood on a leg with their full weight - the leg didn't break or even bend, but the steel pivot pin broke out of the plastic hub part - I've glued it back together but don't fully trust it for stage use, so I bought a Travelite. Bad move.

The Hercules 'full size' standard folding sax stands are brilliant and I would certainly recommend them, only possibly the Saxrax are safer, albeit they're more bulky. The Travelite however (I bought the alto/tenor variable length one) is a lot less stable - there is some play in the joints, and this translates to quite a lot of sway when the tenor's on it - I still use it if I have to and touch wood haven't come a cropper yet, but there've been some near misses. When I get around to it I'm getting a new Saxxy, much more stable and a cleverer design!

I received my new travelite tenor stand yesterday. Much better, very stable, much more solid than the alto/tenor old model. And still fits in the bell (as long as it is folded in the right order!)

The new alto one is exactly the same os the old telescopic alto/tenor one, but without the telescopic bit.

will post some pics to compare when I have the time
If you're sitting in a big band section then the Hercules Travelite stands are ok , but I prefer the K&M Saxxy.

I have stage-tested both almost to destruction. I bought K&M Saxxy stands for both alto and tenor. I still use the alto version all the time, and the tenor version was great for about four years till someone stood on a leg with their full weight - the leg didn't break or even bend, but the steel pivot pin broke out of the plastic hub part - I've glued it back together but don't fully trust it for stage use, so I bought a Travelite. Bad move.

The Hercules 'full size' standard folding sax stands are brilliant and I would certainly recommend them, only possibly the Saxrax are safer, albeit they're more bulky. The Travelite however (I bought the alto/tenor variable length one) is a lot less stable - there is some play in the joints, and this translates to quite a lot of sway when the tenor's on it - I still use it if I have to and touch wood haven't come a cropper yet, but there've been some near misses. When I get around to it I'm getting a new Saxxy, much more stable and a cleverer design!


Thanks Nick! It was the Saxxy stand for the Tenor that I was most interested in - fortunately I haven't had time to order the stands yet, so going to deliberate over the weekend!
I received my new travelite tenor stand yesterday. Much better, very stable, much more solid than the alto/tenor old model. And still fits in the bell (as long as it is folded in the right order!)

The new alto one is exactly the same os the old telescopic alto/tenor one, but without the telescopic bit.

will post some pics to compare when I have the time

Brilliant! Good to know - look forward to seeing the images! The cost of the stands don't bother me considering the sheer cost I'll be putting on them!
Photos as promised

Folded down, the one on the left is the older alto/tenor with telescopic main stem that extends to fit the tenor sax. This is exactly the same as the now listed alto only version but that is without the telescopic bit. The one on the right is the new tenor Travelite. It comes with a velvet bag that is padded at the top so fits snugly in the bell. The whole thing does fit in the bell nicely, but has to be folded correctly to do so (the old smaller version fits very easily in the bell):


Opened out, you can see how much longer the legs are on the new version on the right, giving much more stability, and the "T" piece on the end of the leg at the back adds even more stability:


Making it more secure in the stand, the arms holding the bell are longer on the new version (also notice in the first picture that the arms that support the body are longer too):


And finally, with instruments in. The brass Couesnon is on the left in the old version. Gold plate Conn Chu in the middle in the new Travelite and the silver plate Couesnon in the standard Hercules stand:


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Hi Chris,

Thanks for taking the time to take the pictures and post them up! Much appreciated!

The newer Tenor Version looks very light and portable yet solid when set up!

I've made my mind up! Definitely getting the Hercules in the bell version!
Edit: Just make sure you remember to take the stand (or its case) out of the bell before you play, I've forgotten a couple of times and spent 30 mins wondering why I can't hit nearly all notes 🙂
Never did it with a stand, but once exploded my head trying to warm up on a soprano with the shoveit pad saver still in. LOL

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