The saxes that nobody wants. You could get nice delicate saxes for nearly no money at all. Hand burnished gold- or silver plated saxes with fancy engravings! Some players says they are unplayable. I've tried to put a cord inside the tube à la Erick Brand method. Now I'm thinking in another way: The high pitch sax can be a semi tone high compared to a low pitch sax. So if you play a A-440 on a piano it's a B on Bb saxes and F# on Eb LP saxes. The high pitch saxes are out of tune. But if I play C respectivly G on HP saxes it's better? Anyone who has tried this? Am I thinking in the right direction?
Players who are reading music must transpose thier charts. No big thing? But on the other side saxophonists who are playing by ear, they just play?
I think the tuning/intonation and mouthpiece issues remains. Older saxes are more or less suffering from this.
Players who are reading music must transpose thier charts. No big thing? But on the other side saxophonists who are playing by ear, they just play?
I think the tuning/intonation and mouthpiece issues remains. Older saxes are more or less suffering from this.