Beginner Help with reusing parts in score multiple times

I have a band arrangement of a song that I can rearrange to play with actual song. The song jumps around and uses sections of the piece more than once and some repeats within these sections have different last bar.

I can write notes on score to direct me around but wondering is there a formal way of doing this. I know about basic repeats i.e. d.s. code etc, but uncertain how to handle repeating sections more than once.

I have tried goggle but cannot find anything, but not knowing what I am looking for is not helping.

Thanks for any help on how this is done.
There is usually an efficient way or organising the arrangement to match what you want. Most recordings can be described by using sections (like intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, outro) and then have some sign posts to move backwards and forwards between the sections (DC for back to start, DS for back to sign, Al Coda for jump to Coda, Fine for end).

Repeated sections can have written instructions on them, saying things like "Play 3 x" or "Play backings second time only".

It is a good idea to make sure that all the instrument parts follow exactly the same structure and have the same number of bars as this helps avoid confusion. Also having rehearsal markings (e.g. letter B) and/or bar numbers help a musical director to describe what he wants from the players in rehearsal.

If you are using computer notation software rather than handwriting score and parts, then I think it is better to organise the structure so that it is easy to follow the way through, rather than necessarily being as short as possible. So I would rather see a part with some extra verses or choruses rather than a short part with lots of confusing repeats and descriptive notes.

The styles that players are used to reading might well vary depending on what genre of music they play (e.g. classical or jazz).

Good luck

Good answer. Also, repeated sections that end differently can have 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd endings. If the DS or DC time through a section has a different ending, you can write a note to "play 3rd ending on DS" or something similar. Another way might be to have the DS or DC time through go to an extended Coda.
However once you have done all t the repeating by conventional methods as above, e.g. normal repat section marks with 1st, 2nd 3rd x bars etc, and DS or DC al coda, then any further repeats of earlier sections should be written out.

There is nothing quite as annoying as having to sight read parts with complicated instructions:

e.g. "after playing coda, go back to C section but only play twice however use the 3rd time ending then play the first half of B section and use the second coda sign to the second coda…"
There is nothing quite as annoying as having to sight read parts with complicated instructions:

e.g. "after playing coda, go back to C section but only play twice however use the 3rd time ending then play the first half of B section and use the second coda sign to the second coda…"

Damn it, Pete. That's a direct quote from my tenor arrangement for "One Note Samba."

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