Mouthpieces Help With Metal Mouthpieces


New Member
I'm a bari Sax player and was looking to order a metal mouthpiece for jazz. I basically chose the cheapest model I could find. (Runyon $130) It gives me two separate models to buy, but it doesn't say how they differ. I just basically need to know what the difference is between model 5 and model 9, and whether or not this is a good buy. I can't post a link to it here, but if you search "Runyon metal baritone saxophone mouthpiece" and click the guitar center one you will see it. Thanks for the help ahead of time.
Hi David. Welcome, would be good if you pop intot he doorbell section and introduce yourself.

Runyon make 2 models of metal mouthpiece, the quantum and the smoothbore. The number you're quoting is the tip opening, but there are many more sizes available than 5 & 9.

Lots more info here when you follow the links from the page:

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Which would be better for a sharp distorted sound? Thanks by the way.

Haven't played a Runyon on bari. I think Jonf does. I've an alto smoothbore. It's pretty raucous.

Runyon's have an optional spoiler. I'm guessing the smoothbore with spoiler, but it's no more than a guess. You'll probably get more control with a magnum. Can you get to a shop to try them?
Indeed I do, I have a smoothbore 10. It has the spoiler, but I don't like it. The mouthpiece is great without the spoiler, punchy, loud and flexible. Runyon use their own numbering syst6em, and their tip openings are much smaller than, for examle, Otto Links of the same number. A 5 would be a tiny tip opening, a 9 pretty middle of the road. I'd go for the 9. I really, really like the Smoothbore on baritone, and I think they're fantastic value.
Rico Metalites are indeed good on bari. For me not as good as the Runyon Smoothbore, but they're a lot cheaper, of course. Metalite M7 is a good budget baritone choice if - and only if - you want a bright, rocky sort of tone.

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