Saxophones Heads up UK - Genuine Article not a fake


Well-Known Member
Just had to post this . It`s very rare these come up in the UK .. CashConv have just listed up a Genuine Jollysun Curved Soprano .. At first I thought it was a Yanagisawa 902 with the body / bow / Bell coloured in with marker pen but on close inspection, it really is a real Jollysun and the enamel paint is flaking off (as it does when these full on Pro horns are hammered to death gigging day in day out as they do) . Anyway I`m sure that you`ll be all over this as the chance of owning a genuine Jollysun 1022 doesn`t come up very often and they`re usually Yanis messed about with to look like the real thing .. the late 80s Jollysun Straights are even rarer - I saw a MkVI which had been very cleverly painted with black humbrol paint to look like one but you could tell the inferior French fake a mile off , someone even tried it with a YSS875 (Get real, the keywork isn`t even close)

Anyway this is the curved but looks real
Colin , an attempt at humour which was obviously too bizarre ..

Jollysun from memory largely gained China the bad reputation it`s still having trouble shaking off about the quality of the horns made there (though Parrot and Lark did little to help either) as far as I know, the dreaded White gloves of death appeared around this stage too....... Jollysuns only look and play good when compared to the various Indian SSOs, even a Stagg or Windsor is a breath of fresh air after that lot ! and a G4M will seem like a full on Pro horn from one of the big three ! ..
This item is in another users basket, it is no longer available !
Damn it !

Ads, hope you haven't put someone on a bum steer with your 'bizarre humour' naughty naughty !
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Colin , an attempt at humour which was obviously too bizarre ..

Humour? I presumed you were just discussing a horn you thought was good.

There is a thread on the archives here that was spammed badly by a Jollysun representative or shill, so I would definitely not recommend these.
Sorry I thought it was pretty obvious it was humour - I mean , colouring in a high end Yani with felt pen to make it look like a Jollysun - Humbrol painting a MkVI to mimic a Chinese horn ?- you thought someone would actually DO that ? ..........

Yikes . I`ll hand you all back to Targa and leave the jokes to him ...........
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Seven offers so far. I wonder if any of them are for any more than twenty quid.

£20 is pushing it for a Curved sop as it`s harder to find a light fitting to suit . Jollysuns, even Tenors don`t make good lamps anyway as they look naff due to being crudely painted over the clear lacquer - Old unfixable USA stuff or Indian Adolphe lookalikes are best .
Ads, hope you haven't put someone on a bum steer with your 'bizarre humour' naughty naughty !

C`mon, Kev, anyone daft enough to believe that someone would deface a MkVI with humbrol paint to look like a Chinese horn has more screws loose than the horn 😵. Anyway Cashconverters accept returns ..

a supposedly working sax for under £70 isn`t going to hang around long regardless of maker, if its a Soprano even moreso - though I doubt the buyer or the store knew it was one :rolleyes:
Sorry I thought it was pretty obvious it was humour - I mean , colouring in a high end Yani with felt pen to make it look like a Jollysun - Humbrol painting a MkVI to mimic a Chinese horn ?- you thought someone would actually DO that ? ..........

Yikes . I`ll hand you all back to Targa and leave the jokes to him ...........
Even I thought it was a joke.

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