Colin the Bear Well-Known Member Café Supporter 17,219 Burnley bb9 9dn Level 50yr self taught gigger Dec 9, 2013 #2 Would you adam and eve it?
Tenor Viol Full of frets in Cumbria Café Supporter 6,998 Penrith, Cumbria, UK Level Ca. G7 cello, G6 sax Dec 9, 2013 #3 🙂 I've come across it before - very amusing, especially if you've sung that a lot - as I have!
jbtsax R.I.P. in memoriam 1947 - 2023 9,145 Beautiful Springville, Utah USA Dec 9, 2013 #4 Hilarious. How about this one? P.S. How does one insert a Youtube video into their post? Never mind. It worked.
Hilarious. How about this one? P.S. How does one insert a Youtube video into their post? Never mind. It worked.