Not me, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has. They are stocked by Jonathan Myalls - Griff, if you're not away dealing with naughty pirates, did you ever play one when you worked there?
They can be bought for about £112, so about the same as the cheapest student clari. On Amazon there're three reviews, two very positive, one (barely literate) very negative.
Marketed at kids from 6-7 years and up. However, my daughter could manage a full sized clari from the age of 9, so really you'd be buying for a couple of years' use. Personally I'd be attracted just by the novelty, but then I guess that just explains why I've got a house full of musical instruments.
What is the mouthpiece like,and what reed does it take,please Griff.These are supposed to be an improvement on the earlier version.
John Packer does have its own branded resin C clarinet and at under 200 quid its still reasonable in my book! Jonathan Myall AKA just flutes (dont let the name throw you - they sell all woodwind and brass) also sell the JP range and have one on their
A lot of the kids around here start on them, cos their hands won't quite stretch to a Bb. They always sound harsh to me, compared to the Bb, even in the hands of a more experienced player.
Not too many clarinet parts written for a C, so you're back to transposing....
The fingering has not got all the duplicates found on a Boehm,but if you can play a Boehm,this is no trouble.The warlike woman is selling these cheap.I recently came across this website offering a clarineo which looks quite nice.
Has anybody tried these models?
Also, is the fingering exactly the same as for the Bb clarinet?
The fingering has not got all the duplicates found on a Boehm,but if you can play a Boehm,this is no trouble.The warlike woman is selling these cheap.
Errrr Amazon.Who is the warlike woman???
Errrr Amazon.