Beginner gurgling sound

there are times when practising (thats all i can do at the minute) that it appears a gurgling sound is prominent, as if saliva has got between the reed and bed. this obviously is not right. can anybody point me the right direction abd identify what i am doing wrong. i play with the reed supported by the inner gum lower lip with a rico 2.5 and a vandoen optimum alto mouth piece
That was a bit strong as a reply to a newbie 🙁

Have you checked that the table on the mouthpiece is flat? If the reed is wet where it contacts the table, this may cause it.
I suffered from the same problem more saliva than air going into the sax at times,often to the point were it was dripping from the tone holes:shocked: and like you say it makes the mouthpiece gurgle.If you are like me it does cure its self with practice;}
Hi Kicker, as Tommy has rightly pointed out, this is a beginner orientated problem, a simple cure for this is to swiftly suck through the mouthpiece and draw any moisture back into your mouth. This is a technique I often use whilst gigging.
I believe (and I hope other, more experienced members agree) is that excess moisture is caused by a week and inexperienced or tired embouchure. As you strengthen the muscles you should find that the problem should lessen as you improve.
I think that most of us generate excess saliva when we start out. What you are experiencing is quite normal. You can take off the mouthpiece and dry it and the reed with kitchen tissue. Take a good swallow before you resume.🙂

Hi Kicker, as Tommy has rightly pointed out, this is a beginner orientated problem, a simple cure for this is to swiftly suck through the mouthpiece and draw any moisture back into your mouth. This is a technique I often use whilst gigging.
I believe (and I hope other, more experienced members agree) is that excess moisture is caused by a week and inexperienced or tired embouchure. As you strengthen the muscles you should find that the problem should lessen as you improve.

Try blow a hard C# (no fingers) as if blowing candles (no embouchure) and see if it helps. Might also want a softer reed to start with especially if your lower lip hurts.
There is hope that I might stop dribbling .Good news indeed! Must keep practising.

I'm hoping the for same when I'm watching Ola Jordan on Strictly Come Dancing:w00t:

I do the same thing Kicker, don't panic I have been asured it stops eventually (about 20 years or so?😀 ). As Stated it seems to be a common newbie problem. I personally use a piece of silk I came across, and gently put it on the reed to absorb some of the spit. seems to work a treat for me.

welcome to the forum by the way

thanks for the helpful hints with regards to my gurgling.. it does seem apparent with the sax that the embouchure and practise are two of the main ingredients to ensure happiness, also thanks to pee dee who made me chuckle with his top tip and took away some of the annoyance with myself for not being able to play the minute i picked the sax up

regards,🙂)) kicker
Gets the same problem from time to time
Take off the reed & dry out the mouth piece and carefully dry off the reed, reassemble and continue.
Try to remember to put your teef in (certainly helps me).🙂
I do not get this problem as often as a I used to, so hopefully time and practice cures it completely.🙂
thanks to pee dee who made me chuckle with his top tip and took away some of the annoyance with myself for not being able to play the minute i picked the sax up

regards,🙂)) kicker

You're welcome. Glad you took it in the right spirit, as it was given, whiskey actually;}
Hi Kicker,

I also have that problem some of the time, I even get wet fingers after about an hours practise which is moisture being blown through the opening. My teacher says it is quiet normal to have moisture getting on your fingers and she also says to suck hard to draw back any saliva in the mouth piece which was also mentioned in one of the replys.

Happy Blowing.


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