Hi everybody! I've just recently bought an EM Winston Boston LX 455 Alto Saxophone and I'm looking to master my horn... or at least try to! I've taken one lesson with a teacher and he taught me some basic embouchure and how to use the top three fingers of each finger as well as the octave key, but because of the recession here in Iceland I can't really afford getting regular lessons, so, I've decided on running solo!
Now, I have the horn, I have the willpower... but I don't have any books, and as you can see below, the willpower surely isn't enough!
Hilarity ensues...
So, as you can see, I really need some books! I'm looking to fast-track to being acceptably good and to achieve my goal I have to invest in some good teaching material. I know I will run into problems, I will deal with those when they come up.
So, I'm not really interested in theory and all that really advanced stuff, although a good book on beginner/intermediate improv could probably come in handy! What I'm mainly looking for is a comprehensive book that could teach me one note at a time and maybe a couple of tunes to play to get used to the new notes - I aspire to learn all the notes possible on the sax! Even the really really really high ones, although I'll probably leave those out until in the future!
So, go nuts everybody and post your favorite Amazon book links! Thanks in advance for everyone who contribtues!
Now, I have the horn, I have the willpower... but I don't have any books, and as you can see below, the willpower surely isn't enough!
Hilarity ensues...
So, as you can see, I really need some books! I'm looking to fast-track to being acceptably good and to achieve my goal I have to invest in some good teaching material. I know I will run into problems, I will deal with those when they come up.
So, I'm not really interested in theory and all that really advanced stuff, although a good book on beginner/intermediate improv could probably come in handy! What I'm mainly looking for is a comprehensive book that could teach me one note at a time and maybe a couple of tunes to play to get used to the new notes - I aspire to learn all the notes possible on the sax! Even the really really really high ones, although I'll probably leave those out until in the future!
So, go nuts everybody and post your favorite Amazon book links! Thanks in advance for everyone who contribtues!
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