Grease the neck tenon?


Do I need to apply grease or vaseline to my neck joint ? So far I haven't touched anything ,because I do not want top expirement.[to point the obvious ,sax is never used so nothing ever have been applied to neck or the other piece].

Hi George!

It is not the done thing - the aim is to keep the neck joint scrupuously clean so it is best to keep all substances away from the joint in order not to attract any dirt, dust or other stuff that may intrude. A decent joint should just go in and out even if it might be a slightly tight fit (close tolerance). Any problems with that just post something in the Technical section and help/advice will magically appear.

Kind regards

Now I have to go shop for some cork grease [for the mouthpiece] because it wasn't included...& I think that's has to be regularly applied .

Hi George!

It is not the done thing - the aim is to keep the neck joint scrupuously clean so it is best to keep all substances away from the joint in order not to attract any dirt, dust or other stuff that may intrude. A decent joint should just go in and out even if it might be a slightly tight fit (close tolerance). Any problems with that just post something in the Technical section and help/advice will magically appear.

Kind regards
It is useful to apply cork grease regularly. After a while you should find that the cork does become impregnated with the grease and may not need to be applied so regularly, but it does protect the cork from being torn by the mouthpiece so just make sure that the mouthpiece goes on smoothly.

The other issue is that sometimes the cork is too thick or the mouthpiece too loose. It may be necessary in this case either to sand the cork down a little or to wrap some sellotape around the cork and possibly add some grease to that before putting the mouthpiece on.

Kind regards

Now I have to go shop for some cork grease [for the mouthpiece] because it wasn't included...& I think that's has to be regularly applied .

Yes. You can also use petroleum jelly (vaseline), which may be easier to find/cheaper. Just a thin smear every time you put the mouthpiece on at first, after a while the cork becomes impregnated with it and doesn't need it so often.

I agree with Tom about the neck joint, but there wasa post recently saying that there may be lacquer on the joint. This could make things diffuclt and would need to be removed with fine steel wool or similar.
First Impressions of Venus Alto

I have setup the sax and gave it a try.After a minute or two I did managed to get some notes out of it.Of course I'm still clueless ,but I can tell you that I liked this saxophone's sound. I really did enjoyed my 1st try...:sax::sax::sax:

Now its time for me to get to work on my technique...any recommended resources?
It's also a good idea to put your mouthpiece onto the neck before you put the neck onto the sax. It just saves the neck joint from getting damaged!
Actually ,having watched some videos about setting the sax ,that's exactly what I did ,But kindly Thank You :thankyou:for reminding me

It's also a good idea to put your mouthpiece onto the neck before you put the neck onto the sax. It just saves the neck joint from getting damaged!
Stuff you may need ...

I have setup the sax and gave it a try.After a minute or two I did managed to get some notes out of it.Of course I'm still clueless ,but I can tell you that I liked this saxophone's sound. I really did enjoyed my 1st try...:sax::sax::sax:

Now its time for me to get to work on my technique...any recommended resources?

Well done mate ...

You have started a magical journey ...

Regarding Resources ...

Let us know the sort of stuff you think you may need ...

Use Google or other search engines ...

And of course - Search threads on this site first ... :mrcool

Just yell mate and one of us will try to sort sumfing out fer yer ... 🙂))

Start Here First - that should keep you busy for a while ... [Link Here]

Have Fun ... good luck ;}
Thank You 🙂
Well done mate ...

You have started a magical journey ...

Regarding Resources ...

Let us know the sort of stuff you think you may need ...

Use Google or other search engines ...

And of course - Search threads on this site first ... :mrcool

Just yell mate and one of us will try to sort sumfing out fer yer ... 🙂))

Start Here First - that should keep you busy for a while ... [Link Here]

Have Fun ... good luck ;}
New sax you might want to get the inside of the crook clean, it's likely to have some machining residue.
Just a pullthrough probably won't shift it but polish does.
Mouthpiece only - lots of things you can do there, and there are quite a few web posts about it. One thing that's really useful from the start is to play neck only into a tuner, concentrating on keeping a constant note.... Sounds awful, but gets the basic control you need....

A good teach yourself book - Tom M keeps recommending O'Neil's Jazz Method. There are others as well.

A metronome/tuner.

A recorder to play back practice sessions, so you can hear yourself as others do. But not important yet, and when you do get one, remember you'll sound a lot worse than you're expecting.

With the neck, it should be a good fit - almost sliding, but not loose or wobbling.

And most important - someone supportive to listen, suggest improvements and hear/comment on progress.

Do I need to apply grease or vaseline to my neck joint ? So far I haven't touched anything ,because I do not want top expirement.[to point the obvious ,sax is never used so nothing ever have been applied to neck or the other piece].


Contrary to all the other advise on here I do in fact use cork grease on the neck joint, but not in the way you mean... periodically when I think the neck is becoming slightly tight I apply a little cork grease, rub it all over the joint and then wipe it clean... It lifts all the in-ground dirt out. Albeit only a tiny discolouration on a cloth. That would be about every month or so.
:thankyou:Thank you,I'll keep this in mind.
Contrary to all the other advise on here I do in fact use cork grease on the neck joint, but not in the way you mean... periodically when I think the neck is becoming slightly tight I apply a little cork grease, rub it all over the joint and then wipe it clean... It lifts all the in-ground dirt out. Albeit only a tiny discolouration on a cloth. That would be about every month or so.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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