Saxophones Grafton, who knows more about it?


there is a wonderful Wiki page on Grafton:

if you know more please share your knowledge here. I will appreciate it


Do you remember which mouthpiece was included with the saxophone? I've found two in the case but I don't know which one is the original one. Danny
Sorry mate. I swapped it for an acoustic guitar and it had an assortment of mouthpieces in the case, including a tenor and baritone piece.
It's probable that the original mouthpieces were not that good so they weren't valued.
I'm sure someone will know.
My first sax was a Grafton. Can't remember what the mouthpiece was. Dearman is a name that comes to mind. They made stencils for the U.K. Dallas company, they may well have supplied the original Grafton mouthpieces. "Chicken Pete" Thomas may well know more. ;-) gruss - spike
Hi Danny, that could well be it, but I don't think the Dearman's were actually made in England. I bought my Grafton from a second hand shop surrounded by porcelain dolls and old teapots for 8 old English pounds. That was '66 or '67 - many moons ago now. Like I say Pete still has one. Maybe he knows more. Dearman was as far as I know a Czech company probably "Bohemia" in those days. I'll check my archives but I don't think I have any comprehensive info.

I take it you've got yourself a Grafton - I left mine on a park bench outside the train station in Torino, complete with an assorted selection of rubber bands, must've been around '69. Those were the days ;-) - hope to have helped - gruss - spike.
Hi Danny, that could well be it, but I don't think the Dearman's were actually made in England. I bought my Grafton from a second hand shop surrounded by porcelain dolls and old teapots for 8 old English pounds. That was '66 or '67 - many moons ago now. Like I say Pete still has one. Maybe he knows more. Dearman was as far as I know a Czech company probably "Bohemia" in those days. I'll check my archives but I don't think I have any comprehensive info.

I take it you've got yourself a Grafton - I left mine on a park bench outside the train station in Torino, complete with an assorted selection of rubber bands, must've been around '69. Those were the days ;-) - hope to have helped - gruss - spike.
Those antique rubber bands would be worth a fortune by now.
I bought three Graftons via Exchange & Mart in 1985. Well actually it was one almost working, one bust and the third was a bag of keywork. I still have the working one but don't often dare to play it. Sold the bits (before the internet was big) for not much money.

I have a very interesting article about the Grafton and Hector Sommaruga in an old Clarinet and Saxophone Society (CASS) magazine. I could try to find that and scan it if anyone is interested.

Hey Rhys, how yer doin'? Still blowin' that Bass Sax?

Is that the Wally Horwood article? I'd really love a copy of that for my "Archives" any format, .pdf, .jpg whatever. gruss - spike
Hey Rhys, how yer doin'? Still blowin' that Bass Sax?

Is that the Wally Horwood article? I'd really love a copy of that for my "Archives" any format, .pdf, .jpg whatever. gruss - spike

Hi Spike, Not blowing the bass much at all - mainly bari, tenor and alto at the moment.

Yes it's the Wally Horwood article and I have scanned it in as a pdf so can send it to you or anyone else who wants it.

@aldevis - again correct!

The bone player Roy at our Big Band is a tech, old school, of senior years... and he used to work in the Grafton factory... I should see him tomorrow so will show him this & see what he has to add...

ps: my old teacher who I met @ Roy's does have a Grafton amongst his (somewhat vast) collection.. I have played it & recall it was really quite pleasant.. this was the last one he worked on swearing that he will never work on another!

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