It's absolutely a sax for playing (see the video). It's mythical because:
- When they break they stay broken. The number of viable Graftons is diminishing all the time.
- The original pads are spongy, and it's very difficult to find a good tech who will do a repad. Luckily I found on in this case.
- The look is "different" to the mainstream and some people just want mainstream.
The first and second is very very disavantages and first reason to don't play with that.
You will serious, you say that the horns is mythical because it's breakable very easy and probably unreparable after, and they're rare to find one in condition to play
And if you want to restorate or repad, it's praticaly impossible because it's different screw, pad and other
What is mythical in that, what is mythical in the fact of it's litterally unplayable to play if you want to keep in good condition.
What is the mythical in the fact do you can't restorate, and with the fact it's not very fiablity with the time and when they're little problem, it's praticaly finished for you,...
What is mythical in that...
I can understand that it's mythical because the design is very atypical, i can understand that is mythical for the story with Charlie Parker.
But seriously i can't understand that you say it's mythical for cheapest made, and the easy breakable, the difficulty to restorate.
That is the problematic which it's not horns to play,
I resume : it's rare horn, it's cool horn but you have à easy breakable horn, you can't restorate or praticaly impossible by original technology of paw and screw and axe, if you're probleme, it's finished for your horns, but it's mythical for that.
I'am not sur that is advantages and mythical thing, and i'am not sur it's playable horn if you know that.
I don't say it's not playable because it's very good conditions,
I say it's not very playable because you don't play this horn if you say it's easy breakable, it's not or very difficult to restorate and if you want changing pad or screw, you can't praticaly not changing