Mouthpieces Good place to try?


Café Supporter
Where should I go to have a mouthpiece try-out on a good range of makes and sizes?

Scotland or North of England would be preferable for traveling distance

If I was to go as far sarf as the Big Smoke would I be better off making the connection to in Crowborough or is Denmark St well stocked enough?

Recommendations and advice please

I know this is a long shot but you could do a double edged thing on this and book a mini break to Berlin, go to Mike Duchstein there (you can find him online too), he has a crazy amount of top mouthpieces there, i mean LOTS. When i was gigging in Poland i popped over when i was in there and it was really worth it as i was like a Kid at xmas, and it also made my 'other half' happy having a mini break, which softened the blow when spending $$$ on sax stuff cos she got to buy clothes etc haha.

if you do decide to do this let me know and i can save you lots of time and get you details of how to get to his workshop etc...

for the record i am not an endorser and have nothing to gain, it is just from my experience a very good place and really thorough with a few practice rooms, and so much gear to chose from.
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I know this is a long shot but you could do a double edged thing on this and book a mini break to Berlin, go to Mike Duchstein there (you can find him online too), he has a crazy amount of top mouthpieces there, i mean LOTS. When i was gigging in Poland i popped over when i was in there and it was really worth it as i was like a Kid at xmas, and it also made my 'other half' happy having a mini break, which softened the blow when spending $$$ on sax stuff cos she got to buy clothes etc haha.

if you do decide to do this let me know and i can save you lots of time and get you details of how to get to his workshop etc...

for the record i am not an endorser and have nothing to gain, it is just from my experience a very good place and really thorough with a few practice rooms, and so much gear to chose from.

Thanks for the recommendation, an exciting one too, but I'll have to stick with my rather dull plan of a day trip in October
I remember that the Wind Section in Edinburgh had quite a good assortment when I was there 5 years ago. Otherwise, there could be no better plan than committing to a long day trip to London. Between Howarths and in Denmark Street (Crowborough is a bridge too far for you on a day trip) you´ll have a pretty comprehensive selection to choose from.

I remember that the Wind Section in Edinburgh had quite a good assortment when I was there 5 years ago. Otherwise, there could be no better plan than committing to a long day trip to London. Between Howarths and in Denmark Street (Crowborough is a bridge too far for you on a day trip) you´ll have a pretty comprehensive selection to choose from.


Thanks I'd forgotten Howarths
Well Crowborough is not very far from London by train so you could include a trip there if need be in your day trip. In my experience they hold more stock. Howarths and in London aren't conveniently close to one another sadly. If there is something you're particularly interested in, you could call and check to see whether London/Crowborough has it. If you're just trying, I'm sure both Howarths and will have plenty of choice.
Give Woodwind Exchange in Bradford a go before you head for the bright (and expensive) lights. It is closer to you and is an amazing paradise of all things saxophonic, but you will have to call them to find out what they have in stock - lots of secondhand stock which makes it even more interesting.
So near yet so far.... Getting across London is rarely as easy as it would seem. I can go 30 miles from home in Sussex in the same time it takes to do a couple of miles in central London. 🙂

You have a point there - the first 20 miles of my thirty five mile commute into London takes about 20 minutes, the next 15 miles takes 40, and that's on my bike. However, if you know how to find your way around, to Howarths isn't too bad. Walk from to Tottenham Court Road. Central Line to Oxford Circus. Bakerloo line to Baker Street. Five minutes walk from there. Total journey time should be less than 30 minutes, and if you're visiting London you'll need a one day tube ticket anyway. Crowborough is easily the best sax shop I've ever been to, with massive stock and very helpful, unpatronising staff. However, it is an hour from London Bridge by train, which makes it a pretty long journey from Scotland. Assuming you get into Kings Cross, the London shop is 20 minutes away, the Crowborough one a couple of hours.
Where should I go to have a mouthpiece try-out on a good range of makes and sizes?

Scotland or North of England would be preferable for traveling distance

If I was to go as far sarf as the Big Smoke would I be better off making the connection to in Crowborough or is Denmark St well stocked enough?

Recommendations and advice please


I found the best way to try out a good range of MPs was to buy off eBay. If it is not your cup of tea put it back on eBay and most of the time you will get your money back, maybe even make a small profit. If you then decide you would like to try a new piece, you will after many eBay buying and selling know better which MP. is close to your taste. Then get a few sent in the post to try, from the main suppliers, and watch out for price reductions. I noticed that Howarth had one recently. Good Luck.
I agree with Dooce. Go to Woodwind Exchange in Bradford.
He's got drawers full of the beasts. New, second hand, vintage. And while you're there pick up Stuart's band's CD
Tribute to Atlantic "One to One". When I get a minute I'll put details on "What are you listening to" it's fantastic.

They are such nice people, make good coffee and don't hasstle you at all. Plus you might get a go on some tasty saxes.
This always creates a dilemma for me - going somewhere to try out mouthpieces will inevitably limit you to what is stocked. A lot of the really good mouthpieces are not likely to be found in any shop in the UK, such is the problem. If you find a mouthpiece you like after a trial it may simply be the best of the bunch that is stocked, and may not be that good overall. Many of us on Cafe Sax have a number of mouthpieces. What does that say? How do we end up choosing a PPT mouthpiece if we go to a shop? I have the luxury of now living close to South Wales Woodwind, the only place in the UK that stocks Phil-Tone and Mouthpiece Cafe mouthpieces, and one of few that also stock Theo Wanne and Drake mouthpieces.

So, I can agree that it sounds a good idea. At the same time I am aware of the problems involved, and have done a mixture of things - discussing a custom designed mouthpiece with a mouthpiece maker (Phil Engleman and Joe Giardullo), borrowing pieces on trial - South Wales Woodwind, Howarth and Dawkes, buying off eBay, SOTW and Cafe Sax, and buying on spec.

Perhaps there is no ideal way of choosing a mouthpiece but I can see the benefit in doing a bit of research beforehand and possibly having a priority list, whilst being open to new ideas.

In London I'd probably go to Howarth because they seem to have a wider choice of interesting stuff.
Just a few thoughts from a very happy mouthpiece owner.
I agree with Dooce. Go to Woodwind Exchange in Bradford.
He's got drawers full of the beasts. New, second hand, vintage. And while you're there pick up Stuart's band's CD
Tribute to Atlantic "One to One". When I get a minute I'll put details on "What are you listening to" it's fantastic.

They are such nice people, make good coffee and don't hasstle you at all. Plus you might get a go on some tasty saxes.

Totally agree. Be prepared to stay a while though 🙂 very accommodating

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