Saxophones Gear4music BASS appeared on Fleabay

Their basses are notoriously out of tune. I would recommend trying before buying with this one. I'm always suspicious of second hand G4M. If it's a good'un why part with it?
I'm always suspicious of second hand G4M. If it's a good'un why part with it?

Maybe because in real life, there`s little use for a Bass sax ? ... The text states that a tech has sorted the out of tune business (though to what degree remains unknown)

Smaller DECENT G4Ms no doubt get sold on because of upgrade .
This seller bought a vintage baritone mouthpiece from me last year, and was OK to deal with. He's sold at least three other G4M bass saxes recently.
Sorry Col I know you like em but to Many horror stories for me sorry

Anecdotal evidence is rather like free advice, which is proverbially worth what it costs.

I read what Stephen Howard wrote about a G4M alto, made a decision to buy a G4M tenor based on it and am glad I did. Incidentally, the mp which came with it wasn't wildly different from a Bari Esprit - it certainly wasn't the absolute crap which many have experienced - maybe G4M have sourced a different and better one...
Here we go again. I guess if you get an ok one... But you may end up with a real dud as I know from first hand. Get a good tech to check it out before spending.

However Afik there are only 2 Chinese firms making basses one french style, the other US. There was something about it here ages ago. Not certain, but I've a feeling both are OK.
Weird thing is that lately a member here bought a new Rosedale tenor and that was loaded with issues too .. that yours didn`t work says more about the "Well known tech" than G4M

The Return G4M Straight sop I got for the missus didn`t have much wrong and most of that was regulation as the adjustment screws aren`t held in with Loctite and were loose, it`s miles off from being a Yamaha 475-II or a Yani 901 but nonetheless was a very good sounding and very playable horn, fantastic value....... Still plays fine now , Ask Vlad , and that`s after being setup by a wedding photographer ! .

The issue with G4M, with anything is that they`re merely box shifters, the customer is the QC but the price reflects that, it`s how they can sell stuff cheap - you can pay far far more for generic Chinese horns , if you want QC and a more reknown name stamped on the bell such as Conn-Selmer USA, Buffet or TJ
Just one thing - the rosedale was sold/bought in good faith, no blame or slur is intended towards the seller, I'd willingly buy from him again. The faults were well disguised and you need to look at it as a tech to find/see them.

As for the well known tech, you have to ask how much they're paid and how much they can do. I'd guess that there's little more than a quickly sealing/regulation check possible.

But you're buying at the bottom end of the market, and so should expect that level of quality. Trouble is that beginners often buy here, struggle and decide the sax isn't for them. They've no way of knowing if it's the sax, mouthpiece or them.

Many teachers aren't much better at assessing a sax. There's a good reason why so many recommend Yamaha. It means they can concentrate on the pupil, knowing the pupil won't be struggling with a duff instrument. And that's why Yamaha hold their price well. Same can be said for some other brands as well.
Buying second hand is a mine field. If you buy new and it's a dud you can exchange it or get a refund. If a beginner buys a new dud, but doesn't know and perseveres or has it as an ornament and then sells in good faith, you're the owner of a dud and conscience stops you from passing it on.

I do my own repairs but I won't take on anything.

I wouldn't buy a second hand G4M anything without trying it. Rosedale is their premium brand. They also sell Yanigasawa, Yamaha, Elkhart, Buffet Crampon, Oddysey, Trevor James and Conn Selmer.

AtG4M a new Yamaha YAS62 goes for £1800. A new G4MAlto £229.

I don't need to pay someone more than I earn, to do something that I can do better myself.

The top end of the market can also have quality issues.

I don't think my blood pressure would stand paying top whack and getting junk.

Bargain basement, further reduced and a bit of fiddling is where I'm at.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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