Saxophones GAS strikes Lincolnshire


Deluded Senior Member...
It had to happen.... I have been seduced by the dreaded sax nymph... again

Having enjoyed my switch from Tenor to Alto following the earlier GAS attack just before Christmas I have now decided that the bad sounds coming out of my ageing 'cheap' Swarztschild Alto are probably not all down to the lump of flesh hanging off the mouthpiece but could be partly due to the instrument itself.

I would have loved to invest in a BW Bronze Alto but unfortunately my pensioners finances will no longer stretch even that short distance. So I have taken the plunge and having spoken to Becky at SMS have purchased the Jericho J6 Alto in Coppertone/Gold which at least means I will have a matching pair in terms of style if not maker.

Another sleepless weekend like a child waiting for Christmas as it isn't due to arrive in the wilds of Lincolnshire until Monday....

Hopefully, this is a good investment and I will be able to put up annoying recordings of Alto as well as Tenor Ballads soon.

Becky said that she hopes to be able to offer a Tenor for pass-round soon but they are flying off the shelves very fast at the moment.... 'Britain's got Saxophone Fever' ....Watch this space.
Keep your Gas in the south of the county please. Don't be sending it up to Lincoln as I'm skint!!
Hope you enjoy your new alto Mark. I picked up a gold one from Robbie a couple of months ago and can confidently say that any deficiencies in playing are down to the lump of flesh hanging off the mouthpiece, rather than the instrument 😀
Shhhh. Play the game here. Taunt him with it, he won't be able to resist. Don't tell him I said that. Our secret......

Good ploy SD.... Now then let me think... Perhaps I really need two Alto's...

unless of course somebody desperately wants to get their hands on an extremely rare sax that speaks with a decided German accent >:)
I am short of wives at present otherwise I would be in full GAS mode! She is back in a fortnight though so please post photos of the sax!! Otherwise it is the soul.............
OK Prof I can wait a couple of weeks. Assuming the Jericho is satisfactory when it gets here I will certainly offer the current incumbent of the sax stand to the forum first.

a) so that you get a chance to add to your collection
b) so that Pete gets a charity donation
c) so that all Forum members can have a laugh at my expense over the ludicrous price I will be asking for it

Oh and finally so that somebody can service it and prove to me that the problem is in fact ....... me
Patience is a virtue! There is a lovely Vito that I want to look at if still available at the end of the month! However it would be nice to know something about these saxophones. Can you enlighten me please? Also a photo or two if just for curiosity sake?

Are you paying Saxdiva as your accomplice?!
Heavens no! I do it for the love of sax!

I thought it was 'The Joy of Sax' or am I getting confused??

Anyway just for you Prof I will PM a link to a couple of photos... Don't wish to excite the masses by posting them here yet ;}.

As for the make and model I have been unable to find anything about them. I purchased it from a Piano shop on the Edgware Road in the late 90's

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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