Saxophones GAS - how to concentrate on "upgrade" horns...


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Café Supporter

Coming up to 2 years since I was bought my Jupiter 565-567by my wife, and since then I've been searching for my perfect sax by picking up different makes and models at reasonable prices when they appear. I tried going to a retailer to sample others but you don't get long enough or feel comfortable enough to properly try them out.

So now I'm down to my Buffet SDA and YAS-62 MkI Altos and I'm thinking I should be trying to spot more Pro horns, rather than just buying any old stuff on a whim. Having said that, I'm aware there are some potential "sleepers" out there... a Beaugnier Special or "Duke" catches my eye, a Grassi Wonderful model, they still make me want to try them out just to experience what some say are horns which get passed over for the obvious MkVI which, of course, is "the best" :rolleyes:

So... I'm wondering what should be on my list of potentials? I'm aware I'm not of a standard where I'm going to make a 100 year old Buescher sound as good as either of my present horns, due, I believe, to potential shortcomings in their design compared to more modern ergonomics and advances (balanced action for instance) and my inability to overcome these with technique and experience.

Those I already quite fancy trying when I find them are as follows: Selmer SA80 II; Buescher 400 TH&C; King Super 20.

But what model would you add to my list? What would you recommend from personal experience for me to try out? Let me know what mainstream or obscure sax fits the bill of an SDA or YAS-62 beater?

GAS, after all, needs some direction to be a success!

I'm biased 'cos I'm happy with my Tenor Selmer SA80 II

What I don't know is whether the era of this model is important e.g. 90's vs noughties or two-thousand-and-teens. i.e. has the design remained constant since its inception
Firstly the horn you`re searching for doesn`t necessarily need to be an SDA/62 beater , it`s probably better off as an Addition to either

I`d suggest not limiting your further searching to old American relics (though you did squeeze in an SA80/II) however good they are - you`ll be doing yourself a massive disservice if you don`t at least have a good go on a Yani 901/991 , Keilwerth SX90 (or R) , TJ RAW or other finish of the Signature custom and of course one of the more affordable more modern selmers (SA80 / MkVII / Series-III etc) ..

there are other moden horns you`d need to try too such as other Taiwanese hotrods like the Cannonball Albright, various Mauriats , Vikings and of course the Stephanhouser ..

if I was searching the Prehistoric USA stuff for a different Alto (as in different to my 62) , I`d make a bee-line for the 6M, TH&C and Zephyr but it`s an SA80 I want - maybe settle for a ref-54 if it was really cheap and in one piece but it`s an SA80 I want

You could be one of those who try the RAW and just dump the Amercan oldies, forget anything else Taiwanese and find it does what the Japanese, French or German horns do all in one ....... Stephen howard springs to mind there .
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porcs pourraient voler

You can pork your poor voles as much as you like but there is a cheap Ref54 on E-Bay - it`s been well used though for such a new horn (prob needs a good service at least) - they had it up for £1695 and no takers, even offered it for £1570 if cash payment face to face - no takers while mint SA80-IIs are going for around that money ........

I`ve not played the Alto but I can`t say I was overly impressed with the tenor .
time for the Porc Icon - :optimistic: re the SML, try finding one .........

there are hundreds of old interesting worthy horns from cheap to unaffordable , I personally think David would be better served having a play on some of the modern top players he`s not tried such as the SX90, SA80/SIII , RAW, 901/992, CB-G.A, PM-67UL etc to get his bearings on the current state of affairs before chasing even more vintage rainbows
I tried going to a retailer to sample others but you don't get long enough or feel comfortable enough to properly try them out.

Where did you go?

I had a full day at Woodwind Exchange trying mouthpieces, even went out for lunch and back again, in my own little room with a box full of mouthpieces and served tea periodically. I know they do the same for people trying saxophones 🙂

The two times I went to Hansons I was there for quite a length of time and was not made to feel like I was taking too long or uncomfortable at being such a beginner (didn't have my own room there).

I believe Sax.Co.UK also give you a room

A day isn't the same as buying one and having as long as you want I know but not everyone wants to do this.

my 'to do' list of saxes I'd like to try -

Selmer Super Balanced Action - I knew a guy who had a silver plated SBA and it was the nicest looking sax I've ever seen and it sounded amazing - made my Martin sound like a toy.
I've never played a Selmer and I wouldn't go for anything as cliched as a Mark VI

Keilwerth Tone King - I like the sound of Keilwerths, but don't get on with the 'big fingers' ergonomics of the SXR 90 or the Couf Superba, but I think the older ones may have keywork more suitable to my small hands
The later, post cold war B&S horns seem interesting, too.

Earlier Yanagisawas when they were more Selmer influenced - Yanagi's are decent horns and the older one's seem more interesting

SML - any post war SML would do me - I briefly tried an SML Rev D before it was serviced and it was nice for the minute I had it in my hands. Apparently, after it had been repadded, a guy came into the shop, tried it, exclaimed " ****ing hell, it's better than my Mark VI" and bought it

Buescher 'Big B' Aristocrat - my 1930's Aristocrat is nice, I'd just like to try the post war one's that everyone raves about

Grassi - anything as long as it's not one of the asian stencils

Borgani - my mate's Borgani tenor has the biggest, fattest sound, not sure what model it is, but I'd like to try one of the altos

Rampone & Cazzani - have a similar reputation to the modern Borganis - pity the italian companies don't do a proper setup on their horns when they leave the factory

lets face it, I won't be happy til I've tried one of everything
Ads, this one's near-ish to you. Go try it and take some cash?:

How does the Ref 54 differ from the SA80 II key work wise? Why is the Ref 54 more expensive - purely because the SA80 II is perhaps "intermediate" and the Ref 54 a Professional horn?

Steve Howard preferred the RAW to his Yamaha tenor, but I think he still favours a Yamaha (61 or 62?) as his personal alto?

Kev, why series 4 SML Gold Medal? What improved with this version?
Ads, this one's near-ish to you. Go try it and take some cash

Yeah, that`s the one I was referring to, it`s had a very hard professional life in a relatively very short time (I asked the guy - these horns are less than 15 years old and the sling ring is almost worn through ! ) .. Rather have an SA80 to be honest.

After reading SH`s review of the Ref54 I can`t see why it costs more, the QC on the new one he fixed was on a par with a Gear4music return ! ..

Yup, SH still plays a 62 Mk1 Stamp logo
That's my worry... a lifetime of trying horns!

I went to Windblowers, thought about the Woodwind exchange but I'd feel a bit of a cheat trying all their horns and then going off to buy one I liked for half the price...

Fair comment, so would I. I bought the mouthpiece at Woodwind Exchange and on my second visit to Hansons a horn

After enquiring about prices at woodwind exchange at various times, I can see why people would buy elsewhere - they were way above anywhere else I tried for a given horn for used stuff anyway, new they may be more reasonable ...
That's my worry... a lifetime of trying horns!

I went to Windblowers, thought about the Woodwind exchange but I'd feel a bit of a cheat trying all their horns and then going off to buy one I liked for half the price...

I've spent my life going into shops and trying out instruments and not buying them - you'll get used to it..

the saxes you have at the moment are pretty darn good - if I was a tenor player I'd be trying to persuade you to sell me that Grassi and the Buffett SDA alto is really nice, not at all stuffy..
To a large extent, the sound you get is a product of how much effort you put in and the individual characteristics of your embouchure, you can make things brighter or darker with different mouthpieces, but it'll still sound like you

Woodwind Exchange are renowned for being pricey, but they do have some very nice horns - the silver plated Selmer SBA that I encountered had come from there and it was beautiful ....

a good source of serviced vintage instruments too - their modern used stuff seems generally hysterically overpriced but the vintage stuff tends to be very reasonable

IE:- they want £600 for a Student Jupiter sop (in your dreams Dawkes !!) but only £2695 for a Selmer Balanced action (I`d say that was a great price!) .. £570 for a used YAS275 (err, yeah right) but a relatively reasonable £3795 for a mid 60s MkVI and £1200-odd for a Buescher low A Bari

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