FS Martin Handcraft Tenor


1930s Martin Handcraft tenor, this is the type with the front high F key ,the last type they made I believe, (without the annoying little Eb pad that everyone corks shut ! ) Nickel keys, as in solid nickel, you won't bend these ! Has been repadded and seems to have had very little use since, plays I can blow it down to Bb, it's just been lying idler for ages so would prob benefit a check over and a tweak by your tech but appears very sound and solid, I just never play tenor so it's got to go !
comes with a very solid ( not 30s ! ) case
Wanting £395 ( plus courier costs)....which I'd say is a very good price, I'm actually losing on this but would rather one of you nice folks got the benefit than Ebay !
message me to email you pics as I can't seem to understand how to post any more than the wonky sideways thumbnail 🙁
Please confirm the amount of donation you will pay to the café should you successfully sell here 🙂

Itshh OK

Shome more booze and thish photo'll look jusht fine ta

Eshpecially if you've fallen over.....

if you click on my profile, then my profile page....and look under 'media' ( dunno why they went there ) I managed to get 3 pics in there somehow....
The lack of interest has probably done me a favour here ....
I've tootled around with it again briefly and I think I'll just hang on to it now !

if mods wish to delete this ad / thread to save space etc, go for it ! 🙂
Thanks for the update, I will move from Yard Sale

Feel free to relist if you change your mind 🙂


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