Senior Member
- 2,122
🙂 Ello. It has been a real good few days. I got a Berg off E Bay so as to try and put some mojo back into my tenor playing. Man it sounds great!! I really do want to sell or trade the Hohner now as it wont get played much; if at all. Be a shame for such a funky horn just to sit around. Sure, I can and have played it a little. After a full overhaul it plays perfectly; very free blowing, great sound!! So it is on E Bay for a starting bid of £400; a " buy it now " price of £600. I would still much prefer to trade for an old tenor. If it needs work I will still consider...( I have a great tech ). IF there is any interest in a straight sale here; any member can take the horn for the start price of £400.The only stipulation is that it be picked up from or near to Liverpool. Couriers are fine for MPCS and such.I would only use them for horns as a last,or only option. IN SHORT. Hohner silverplated alto (1953/4 ). RTH/ DS neck. Photos on SOTW. ( or PM me for more ). CASH PRICE TO CAFE MEMBERS £400. TRADE FOR OLD TENORSAX WELCOME!! I will pay the 5% to Petes charity based on the £400 price. I apologise for dragging this on folks. On reflection; I had lost my way tenorwise and do not have a Bari right now. A fabulous alto; sadly just not for me. How about you?? Health, Happiness and Many Thanks. Ade