Frank Foster (RIP)

Can you give some bio on Mr Foster? I am an Illinois Jacquet fan (as well as a Basie fan) and I have heard some Jacquet/Foster recordings that I really loved. Did Mr. Foster have any solo material, or other recordings outside of Basie's orchestra?
I was just listening to some Basie with Frank Foster soloing and it reminded me that my wife and I met him and Frank Wess after a Basie concert in Blackpool. I think it was probably on the first tour the band made in the UK. The were just standing out on the street gettin some air, as fresh as it can only be in Blackpool. We chatted with them for quite a while until it was time for them to get on the band bus. A couple of real gents, unlike one or two other well known musicians I could mention. They were the the kind of people that give jazz a good name.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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