Saxophones Found a WONDERFUL Grassi Alto...


Well-Known Member
Café Supporter
Pete, MontyMac, MMM, Altissimo, all may be able to help + others?

How does the Grassi Wonderful Alto compare to the later 2000 Professional Alto?
Fancy the latter to go with my 2000 Pro Tenor, but just wondered about the Wonderful in comparison?

Which is the better model, key work and sound wise?

Thanks for any help. I haven't bought it... yet!

A very clever name , reviewers, owners and store managers will inadvertently be praising the horn without even knowing it ."Here`s a review of the Grassi Wonderful Alto" with the answer being "So It`s better than a Selmer or a Conn then! "
Sorry can't really comment sound wise, never owned/played any pro 2000, as far as keywork they're both of the modern type.
Hope this helps a little: I suggest buying both and report back with your opinions!
Cheers, m.
I can't see too much difference between the Wonderful and the Professional - if it's cheap enough, it'll probably be a nice instrument once it's been overhauled...
go on, you know you want to..>:)

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