Saxophones Flee bay buy


Try Hard Die Hard
Flea bay buy

Just bought a little curved sop on eBay sold as an alto seller didn't seem to know it was a sop he had started it at £50 with a buy now of £70 +£10 postage so I bought it seemed like a bargain it's an SMS academy scholarship or somethin,anybody heard of them and at the end of the day if it all goes pear shaped it's no great loss,just hoping I might have a nice little bargain WE'll SOON SEE......John
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I contacted that MJB mob on Fleebay and the guy seemed to know what he was talking about, they claim they are all new end of line and are real playable instruments, they even offer for you to collect which seems like a honest thing to do.

someone else round these here parts bought one and received it last week, they was going to post up some more details once theyd got a chance.

makes you wonder doesnt it, 2k for the likes of a yanagisawa or £70 for a cheap copy????

good luck John.

Nice one, with a bit of luck it'll play fine. SMS have been around for a few years and seem to supply a lot of instruments to schools, so I'd expect something basic but perfectly playable.

Different from the MJB ones - it was me that bought one, and it plays fine, perfectly OK. Doesn't zing with quality, but it was only ninety quid.
Nice one, with a bit of luck it'll play fine. SMS have been around for a few years and seem to supply a lot of instruments to schools, so I'd expect something basic but perfectly playable.

Thanks Jonf that's what I thought I'm not expecting a Yani but If it plays Reasonably well I'll be happy...John
Hey, one other thing, though, John. You can pretty much guarantee the mouthpiece will be crap, unless it's a Yam or some other decent brand. So, budget a few quid for a reasonable mouthpiece - my personal favourite utra cheap mouthpiece for sop and alto is the Rico Royal Graftonite, about £18. For a bit more, a Rico Royal Metalite is great on Sop. Try this place
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Just browsing the forum and this is a funny one as I was watching that very sax a couple of weeks ago. The guy listed it as an alto if I remember and I was gonna snap it up as £80 you can't argue but it must've been you that got it just before my lunch hour! haha, well i'm not too good on sop anyway and suppose I dithered about too long trying to decide! Hope it plays good, it looked pretty nice for the money 🙂
Just browsing the forum and this is a funny one as I was watching that very sax a couple of weeks ago. The guy listed it as an alto if I remember and I was gonna snap it up as £80 you can't argue but it must've been you that got it just before my lunch hour! haha, well i'm not too good on sop anyway and suppose I dithered about too long trying to decide! Hope it plays good, it looked pretty nice for the money 🙂

I have only just asked the seller to post it to me having been away on holiday so I haven't found out how it plays yet.At this point I'm just hoping it arrives in good order,I will post a review of sorts when it arrives....john

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