first grade exam done

Finally (apparently it was referred to head office) got my result through for my grade 2 that i did in December, Pass with Merit. Really chuffed as it was my first ever music exam at the ripe old age of 47. Should have done a bit better but nerves really did get the better of me on the day.

Onwards and upwards as my teacher wants me to do grade 5 next.
^ Exactly the reason I chose 2 to start. I'd never sat a music exam in my life not even at school and at the time we discussed it, July last year, I'd only been playing 7 months. Tutor wanted me to do 5. Given my nerves on the day I'm glad I didn't do 5 as I reckon I probably would have flunked.
Well done. :clapping: My tutor suggested grade 5 as the first one, but like you I had never taken a music exam, so I agreed to take grade 4.
Onwards and upwards. I sit my next (and final) grade exam in March. 😱
Certainly is a good feeling. Was a bit disappointed initially as both my tutor and I felt the marks didn't fit the comments. Could have appealed but at the end of the day it was a good merit pass and its been a nightmare trying to get answers out of Trinity as to why it was referred etc. May go ABRSM from now on but not keen on doing grade 5 theory.

Just have to decide which board and what pieces I'm going to do for grade 5. Have started on scales and aural side (which i hate) 🙁
Well done! I did go straight in at grade 5 ABRSM, but I'd been playing a couple of years and not thought about performance exams until then. In the meantime I did take grade 5 theory and I have just found it so useful to understand what goes on in music. Your choice though of which of the slightly different syllabusses suit you best.
Its not that I'm against learning theory, infact I'm all for it. I like to know how scales are formed etc rather than just learning parrot fashion. Think what I'm unsure of is needing to learn stuff i may never use/need like bass clef etc.
Certainly is a good feeling. Was a bit disappointed initially as both my tutor and I felt the marks didn't fit the comments. Could have appealed but at the end of the day it was a good merit pass and its been a nightmare trying to get answers out of Trinity as to why it was referred etc. May go ABRSM from now on but not keen on doing grade 5 theory.

Just have to decide which board and what pieces I'm going to do for grade 5. Have started on scales and aural side (which i hate) 🙁


I've got links to the exam boards and notes about the grade syllabuses in my article here:
Exams - UK Examination Options

Congratulations, and best of luck with the next one.

- David
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^ Exactly the reason I chose 2 to start. I'd never sat a music exam in my life not even at school and at the time we discussed it, July last year, I'd only been playing 7 months. Tutor wanted me to do 5. Given my nerves on the day I'm glad I didn't do 5 as I reckon I probably would have flunked.

Very sensible approach.

Now you know the score (!) you are mentally prepared for the next step.
Its not that I'm against learning theory, infact I'm all for it. I like to know how scales are formed etc rather than just learning parrot fashion. Think what I'm unsure of is needing to learn stuff i may never use/need like bass clef etc.
Wait 'til you get the urge to learn piano where the bass clef is a necessary evil

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