Finally did it last night....i joined a band!

Fraser Jarvis

Senior Member
Met up with the rest of the guys at the Quad studios in Leicester last night for a bit of an audition, played a broad range of stuff from skanking one drop rhythms to what i can only describe as hard core punk!
All i can say is they must have liked what they heard as they were all very enthusiastic and asked me back next week!

The plan is to start doing gigs a bit later on this year, so lots of time to fine tune things.
I must say what an eye opener it was to go from being a bloke who plays at home a bit to playing in a full on recording studio with five strangers, a bit surreal i guess you could say!

I did feel a bit like a very small fish in a very large lake as i was the only armature there, guitarist semi-pro, drummer signed, singer sang with the Splitters for 15 years, but what a great bunch who i know i can learn a lot from.

I did have one problem though, and it was a BIG problem, and that was on some of the faster punky stuff i just could not hear my sax! i think i need a monitor speaker? in front firing just the sound of the sax back at me? now I've got a Roland cube 30x, will that work as a monitor or will i have to get one of those wedge things?

Nice one Fraser, glad it went well.
I jammed at an open mic couple of weeks ago and had the same problem, couldn't hear myself at all. As you know I usually have my earphones straight into the amp, may be worth seeing if you can do something similar?
For monitoring I use a "The Box MA205" on top of a good solid stand.

You can't see the stand very well in this, but you'll get the idea:
Nick has pointed out one answer, the others would be to use a reflector shield. It's a clear piece of perspex that clips around the mic and reflects the sound directly back towards you. The other would be what I used to use. It's a custom made clip on mic that's connected to a belt pack, that then has a 9v battery inside and a mini jack and a large jack socket. The large jack connects you to the desk and the mini jack is for an ear piece so you can hear yourself perfectly! I found it to be brilliant when playing with a loud rock band when I first started. It gave me so much confidence too! Well worth the £130 (if I remember rightly) that I paid for it, and it's got a life time guarantee!
The company that make them are called Inerear and are from Oxford
Here's their face book page I've just sent them an email to find out if they are still making them or even if they make a wireless version as I'd be interested in upgrading mine.
Great stuff, its what most of us want. I´m doing a jam session soon now and am quite panicky though I know what I will play. It must feel wonderful. Someone asked you how long you have been at it, but not answer. I´d be interested too. Bet you´re walking on air. Hadnt thought about the sound, assumed a big sax would be heard ok. Have had that prob with guitar and it is a huge one.
Congrats Frazer :welldone

Soon you will have achieved what most of us would love to do, perform with a band. What style of music will you be performing ? Invites to your first gig :thumb:

Enjoy the experience 🙂
The company that make them are called Inerear and are from Oxford
Here's their face book page I've just sent them an email to find out if they are still making them or even if they make a wireless version as I'd be interested in upgrading mine.

The link doesn't work and their website doesn't mention that product. I'd be interested to hear if you get a response.
Try this link

Your right Nick, it's not mentioned on their web site. I found it as an ebay purchase. I think they were making them in small numbers to see what response they got. I'm very pleased with mine, it's given me good service for at least 5 years.
As soon as I get an answer I'll let you all know
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Cool stuff Fraser - enjoy 🙂

Try this link

Your right Nick, it's not mentioned on their web site. I found it as an ebay purchase. I think they were making them in small numbers to see what response they got. I'm very pleased with mine, it's given me good service for at least 5 years.
As soon as I get an answer I'll let you all know

I would also be interested Taz - maybe if they are not making them we could get enough interest to persuade them to make a few?
Hi Guy's, I just got this answer from Inerear

Hi Pete, Thank you for your feedback its always nice to hear that somethings go wright! I do still make the inerear monitor, and yes it can be radio.The radio systems I use can be a Sennheiser ew100 System for the pros or a Prosound N88GU which is a lot cheaper but works just as well in venues. I used the Prosound back in December and was satisfied that all worked well. and at a cost of £100 was in budget for the customer, I do have both if you would like to try one, The Inerear monitor is still selling at £140. please call if you need any more information. Nobby

So there you have it. If you use the link above to get to his facebook page, you'll find all the phone numbers and email addresses you need.

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