SOTM February 2015 - House of the Rising Sun

Ha ha. A simple song I must have played umpteen times in my formative years. Easy peasy? Right?

Er.... No!

Alto won't play it. Intonation issues. I blame the cold weather or maybe the reed. Couldn't possibly be me. Aminor shouldn't be a problem. Doh! It is. Record -erase-record-erase-redorc-esare. Can't even spell now. Lets try another horn. Not my day. Split the reed clipping the mic on. Same problems. Keep going this reed is coming to a bit. This is as good as it's going to get today.
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Come on guys there is still time for a version hi @kevgermany and anyone else not posted yet.

I will just thanks to Kev for picking and hosting this months SOTM, the next host has been selected and the music is in place it will be new for most of you>:) Lot's of fun though:thumb:🙂..

Following @Rob Pealing `s suggestion I have made my own version of the house of the rising sun because it is a song I knew before and like whereas I am not very familiar with the others ( I know shame on me ) but soon will be 😛.

I started fiddling about the backing track and suddenly felt I should put my own style with it and made a reggae version of it with a lot of improvs.
This is also the first proper recording I got of my supposedly better, brighter tone.
Hope you enjoy it.
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