BOTM Feb 2015 Ballad of the Month "Moonlight in Vermont"

Ballad of the Month


R.I.P. in memoriam 1947 - 2023
I was both honored and excited when Rhyson asked if I would like to select and host the February Ballad of the Month. This tune is one of my all time favorite ballads and has been recorded by many great artists. It is in a simple AABA form with a 4 bar introduction and a 2 bar "tag" ending the last time through.

Chris, once again has produced a stunning BiaB accompaniment and lead sheets for Bb and Eb instruments. This time he has also added the MGU file so those of us who record ourselves using BiaB can do so with his arrangement. Enjoy! Moonlight in Vermont

Here is Stan Getz at his lyrical best. Note the nice way he uses triplets.

The elegant simplicity of Nat King Cole's piano playing really sparkles in this recording. Note how the form is a bit different in this version.

And for the "altoists" among us, the inimitable Bud Shank.

I'm sure others can find additional versions to inspire us. After folks have had a day or two to digest the above input, I will post a few of my own ideas to make the tune and its changes easier to navigate while improvising.
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Great choice. Hope to be able to contribute later in month.That Getz version has always been the one that I associate with the number and scares me silly to have a go.. To Add. Darn that NKC for having all the Talent.
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I haven't heard this song before but I like it. Anyway, here is my version of it. Apologies in advance.

Moonlight in Vermont:

Please don't apologise, it's great that you are taking part 🙂

Nice tone coming through there, thanks for posting I enjoyed listening

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As promised in the first post I have uploaded some improvisation tips that may be helpful to the folder. This is understandably a bit of a simplification, but it is the way I first learned to play the tune. If you can play 3 major scales and one "altered" scale (#4 b7) it is quite easy to navigate the harmonies of this song.

The melody is quite easy to learn and memorize as well. The A part is a 6 bar phrase that repeats 3 times. The B part is a 4 measure melody (mostly one note) that repeats up 1/2 step. I trust Aldevis and Pete will be pleased that none of those "scary mode names" were mentioned in the improvisation tips for this tune, although I can give you that version too if you send me a PM and promise not to tell. 😎 Here is the link one more time.

Moonlight in Vermont
Well the months off to great start:thumb: @jimmylh nice version seeing how you had never heard this one before, so no need to apologise. Hope you'll be posting some more versions as the month go on:thumb:

Some great helpful info from @jbtsax

Had sometime earlier to get this quick version done, it was a new tune to me as well. So it will need some more work🙂 get the excuses in early I say>:)

'Moonlight over Belmont'

@jimmylh Wow how fast of the mark and you never heard this number. nice Tone and good first attempt .You are pretty new on the forum but you leaving your mark goodstyle.
@Chris another quick turnaround and placemarker . Your tone suits this number. liked the confidence of your intro into the song and improvisation. ended nicely too

I`ve been repairing my 10m for about a week. New pads upper& lower stacks, new Pivots and Grub screws ( don`t Ask ) so this number is perfect for leak hunting/ fixing. Heres my attempt for today.
I agree with Chris and Jeanette @jimmylh your timing was very good and your control playing those low C#'s was excellent. Hopefully my "scale tips" will help you to reach further on your improvisation in later versions.

Nicely done Chris. You played some very nice notes over the Eb9#11. I was taught years ago that a lot of the musical expression in music takes place on the last count of each measure, so it is especially important to be aware of the tendency we all have to rush to count 1 of the next bar.

@Clivey You posted while I was writing. You sound very comfortable with the changes. Have you played this one before? I especially like some of the "runs" and "flourishes". My teacher calls those improvised "obligato" lines "obble gobble" parts. Whatever you call them, yours sounded great.
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@jbtsax Thanks for the comments. I`m repairing the horn in my studio with tools, pads, shellac and dangerous fire hazard stuff all over the Midi Keys , the horns on my lap and I just played the number through and kept the 2nd take. I revere the Getz version as sublime. The tone, notes and feel are perfect as just about everything he did in this period was. I hated it when I was 19 and only started loving it in my late 20`s, but I would never dare play and record this one until today
@jimmylh Wow how fast of the mark and you never heard this number. nice Tone and good first attempt .You are pretty new on the forum but you leaving your mark goodstyle.
@Chris another quick turnaround and placemarker . Your tone suits this number. liked the confidence of your intro into the song and improvisation. ended nicely too

I`ve been repairing my 10m for about a week. New pads upper& lower stacks, new Pivots and Grub screws ( don`t Ask ) so this number is perfect for leak hunting/ fixing. Heres my attempt for today.

Loved your version Clivey.
Good one too Chris. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you guys.
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@Clivey the intro Hmmm! It was a spur of the moment thing Clive, got to the opening of the theme and was thinking this might not work, but it was to late by then. Thanks for the comments. Your repairs seem to have worked out fine, you did sound very much at ease with this one. Great feel an tone..

@jbtsax rushing has always been one of the things I do/did😳 Used to drive my tutor crazy:confused:As for the Eb9#11, I just heard things a little different when I approached it. Thanks for the comments.
I don't know why this isn't in my repertoire. I was labouring under the misapprehension that it was a lot more complicated than it is. Beautifully simple theme with miles of room to go off on one. First attempt. Dropped the ending but managed to catch it before it hit the floor. Doh! Click click 4got the foam mount for the tie mic. Doh!
I drew the blinds and left the heating on overnight in the music room and the alto plays more in tune today. I may have to start taking it to bed with me just to keep it warm.
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Thanks Colin. Its always nice to hear a pretty alto tone. I can always hear a bit of Acker Bilk in your sound. You're right about the simple elegance of the tune. MLoosemore, you play with a lot of confidence coming through which is great. Keep playing and listening to yourself.

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