F# key cup "bounce" - how to stop it?


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Café Supporter
It's a Yamaha YTS-32.

Plays beautifully, but I noticed when I release the D, E, F keys the F# cup (the one above the F key/cup) bounces a little. Is this because its spring it too strong... or too weak, OR because one or more of the D, E, F springs is too strong/weak?

What's the best way to eliminate this slight bounce? It has no effect on playing, but I can hear or feel it bouncing if I end a phrase on D, E, F.

I'm quite at home bending springs, but which one/s and which way!? Perhaps @jbtsax can assist? Thanks.
Yours is a common problem. You are correct that it involves a spring. The rule of thumb that I use in adjusting the springs that open the Bis, G#, and F# is that they are set as weak as possible so long as the key does not "bounce" at the top of its travel. This is a bit complicated, but it has to do with the fact that another key with its own spring must close one or more of these keys.

Which way to bend is easy to remember. To strengthen a spring on a key held open by a spring such as the F#, bend the spring in an arc toward the tonehole. To strengthen a spring on a key held closed by a spring such as a low Eb, bend the spring in an arc away from the tonehole. When bending a spring make sure it remains in an arc. Be careful never to kink a spring since that weakens it.
Thanks JBT.

So, it is likely that the spring/s is/are set too weak.

I'm fine with bending springs, but which should I start with to make stronger? It appears there is an infinite number of strengths/combinations relating to these 4 springs!
If the F# is the only "bouncer", strengthen that spring and leave the rest alone. If you have a leak light, it would also be a good idea to check the regulation between the F and F# after making a spring adjustment. An old tech saying (taught to me by an "old" tech) is "Everything affects everything". After you've repaired for 10 years, you start to understand what this means. 🙂
I'm missing something here. Is the key bouncing at the top of the travel i.e. tone hole open, or as it closes? And does it open cleanly/quickly or sluggishly? When you release D and/or E, but keep F closed, F# stays closed and shouldn't move.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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