im a beginner and i feel my embrosure is all over the place, what is the best position for your lower lip and teeth on the mouthpiece to get the best and most consistant sound? I play soprano with a yamaha 4c mouthpiece
The word is actually "EMBOUCHURE" from the French "la bouche" meaning "the mouth".
Go to this page Bruce Pearson Music and click on "teaching the saxophone embouchure" under articles for a good description. Once you find the location for the top teeth, it is a good idea to use a mouthpiece patch and put a groove with your thumbnail in that spot so you can find the same place every time you play.
What JBTSax said - though a quick shortcut is to suck the end of your thumb. Really suck like a toddler, with your thumb tip against your top teeth, then without changing the position of your mouth in any way (i.e. don't relax your cheek position), swap your thumb for the mouthpiece and blow. Your bottom teeth should support your lip, which in turn supports the reed. Keep at it, you'll soon have a bit of consistency.