Beginner Embouchure Variation

Hi Everyone,

I am new to the site , and to the saxophone.

I've enrolled on an absolute beginners course for Saxophone, which begins in January. To that end, I thought I'd better get a saxophone now, in order to familiarize myself with it.

Having had it a week, along with Pete Thomas's DVD, I'm finding I'm achieving a much better and consistent sound with the mouthpiece off centre in my mouth.

My questions are;-

A. Is this common?

B. Should I stick with it? Or

C. Am I developing a bad habit for the future?

Any constructive comments would be appreciated.

Regards Jonty
A few lessons with a good teacher in the beginning (right away, now, pronto!) will help you avoid developing bad habits and heartaches in the future. Welcome to the Caff. gruss - spike
I'm a rank beginner myself, but my instinct is to suggest you get centred up. I can't help thinking that more sophisticated stuff later on will be more difficult with your mouthpiece off-centre.

Of course KennyG plays with his sax out of the side of his mouth, but then not everyone here would consider that to be a recommendation.

Hopefully someone who actually knows something will be along soon.

Hi, anyway 🙂
The honks and hoots we make when starting out may be improved by doing lots of odd things. However embouchure muscles take time to develop. As they develop tone etc will improve. Playing from the side of your mouth will inhibit the development of a good embouchure and limit your progress. imo
Many thanks for your replies and welcomes.

Well, the consensus of opinion seems to be to get back to centre!

It is a temptation to continue on the side when the sound is better, and I can resist anything but temptation.

But, I'll take the advice and persevere with convention until my course starts.

Many thanks

I've always played "side saddle" ...especially valid nowadays with various teeth missing !.... but as most would say you're prob best going the conventional route particularly as you're starting off..
I've always played "side saddle" ...especially valid nowadays with various teeth missing !.... but as most would say you're prob best going the conventional route particularly as you're starting off..

I don't know enough to rule anything "In" or "Out", so I'll just concentrate on the recommended method, until I find anything to the contrary.

Regards Jonty
Er... no, it wouldn't. (BTW, the guitar is a vintage Epiphone Emperor Zephyr model, aka "Mixmaster".)



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