I actually found one to buy from a community orchestra in Kansas that had someone donate the inventory of a music store that went out of business. The book is disappointing to say the least. I can see now why it went out of print. The "cliches" are all strung together with no way to know where one ends and the next begins. There are also no chord changes to give a harmonic orientation to the "licks". It may have some value as a sight reading exercise
I have posted a pdf of the first page in the Resources section of this forum under "Music". If you are genuinely interested I will sell it for $25 + postage only if you agree not to "flip" it to make a profit. (I paid considerably more to the organization as a "donation" for the book.)
Oops. Pete reminded me to check the copyright and it is still a copyrighted work. If you will send me your email in a PM, I can send you the 1st page to review to see if you want the book. If not, that's ok too.