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Easy Chord Progression


Café Supporter
I've tried my best to get a feel for and an understanding of chord progression

Yeah I know II-V-I is significant...but I've never found a ready reckoner to tell what's going on

I spend my time pondering how chords on a sheet might relate to each other

This lady makes it so simple for dummies like me:
Good video. Maybe it's just me, but her circle of fifths is going backwards from what I'm used to seeing.
You be right there Mon Brave

She explains in another vid that she was taught it that way round and it stuck

I didn't know the circle well enough to spot the clockwise-anti-clockwise thingummy
she describes it as a circle of FOURTHs, because going clockwise progresses in fourths.

I describe it as a circle of FIFTHs because going clockwise progresses in fifths.

as long as you understand how to use it, I cant see that it matters which it is.
Those videos are an example of very good teaching. Thanks for posting that. In the Five Foot Two song I was waiting for her to use the term "secondary dominance" to describe when the minor chords become major and go through a series of V I's in different keys before returning "home". Perhaps that's in another video.

Does that statement above make sense?
It does because clocks go clockwise. :)
So you can go clockwise in fourths and fifths?
If you go clockwise in the usual circle you're going in fifths from F to C to G to D etc. Going anticlockwise D to G to C to F is in fourths

In the vid she's arranged the circle the opposite way round so you travel fourths clockwise and fifths anti-clockwise

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