Double bass player wanted

Hi folks, we're looking for a new double bass player for our band. We're a SW based rock n roll/rockabilly/jump jive/rhythm n blues band (I play sax and lap steel in the band). We play mostly our own original tracks and are signed to a good label with a new CD coming out early next year. Regular work with decent pay. Need professional attitude and not mind being on the road. May be able to share with someone if you prefer so you're not away every week. We also run a 7 piece western swing band so there is a chance for some dep work there too. If anyone knows of anyone who might be interested, please can you let them know? Thanks, Ruby.
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Hi Ruby, I know a superb double bass player called Richie Lorriman, he's in Bristol. He used to play with the Firebirds and is the top of his game. I'm not sure where you are in Devon, would Bristol be too far? Let me know and I'll put you in touch with him.
Hi Taz, thanks for this. Bristol is a couple of hours from us, not sure about this so will see what the rest of the band think. I've met Richie before a couple of times, I saw him at a weekender in Norfolk last year but he was with his new band then - The Downtown Daddyos. Is he not still with them? We play a lot of the same clubs etc so would have thought he'd be gigging the same nights as us, just somewhere else. But he might know someone who'd be interested. Thanks for such a quick reply.
Sorry to get your hopes up, I hadn't spoken to Richie for ages (it was a good excuse to catch up) and yes he's full on with the Daddyos at the moment. I'll keep my ears out though.
Thanks for having a go Taz, I'm sure someone will turn up. Hopefully sooner rather than later! Cheers. Richie is a big character isn't he?! He told me that he plays sax too although I've only seen him play bass with bands.
He's a really funny guy. I think he has a story for every occasion! He's also a pleasure to play with. He used to dep for us when I played with Johnny and the Zephyrs. We all used to be on wireless mic's and were encouraged to actively interact with the ladies on the dance floor! It was hilarious, watching Richie straddling his base like it was a bike and running around the dance floor chasing women about!

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