Saxophones Does anyone know anything about this seller in Depford?

I am keeping an eye on alto saxes on ebay, just to get an idea of what may come up and how to spot a good one, or a scam seller etc. If you search for vintage alto sax, for instance, you get a lot from shresthakimi, Depford.
How does anyone have so many interesting and varies instruments? Perhaps he is Greek or Turkish with access to markets from Eastern Europe and India and the Middle East.
Any information on this?:mrcool
Have monitored his eShop for a few months and made a couple of offers to him over the phone. I personally find him quite abrasive and curt. May have been because of my offers but .... In addition I believe his prices are excessive.
I have noticed he also advertises items he has for sale on eBay at cheaper prices on other classified ad web sites.

Disclaimer: PLEASE NOTE: I make no comment on whether this is good or bad practice. It's just an observation.

Ah. Those are the intuitions I was getting off his stuff. Thanks, both.
Do you know where his huge array of instruments would come from? Or might one find an equally well-stocked dealer in any bigger British town?
Not knowing where they source from I subsequently purchased from abroad. Have been fortunate with my purchases but my due didgence paid off. Not sure that it would always pay off however, purchasing from eBay! There are a number of pitfalls. But if you are after anything in particular simply ask the forum members on here. They are a great help and very experienced. The answers are candid and honest. Also check the Yard Sale or simply post a "Wanted" thread.
I have always wondered about this seller as to where he gets his source of horns and mpc's,his prices are high but he does have some interesting items.
Agree with the others - he's always asking too much. Another irony is that he advertises instruments and playing instruments. Says a lot about the instruments...

Interesting can be a double edged sword. Last one I looked at was an alto that needed a huge amount of work - corrosion, pads, springs, dents.... By the time you'd paid for the work and the sax, you were at about 2x retail value.

I won't be doing business with him.

If you're going to buy on ebay, caveat emptor.... And always factor in the cost of an inspection/tweak. You can be lucky. Another option is to buy from one of the members here. No guarantees, but the chances are good that you'll get something that is a good match for the description. Putting up a wanted ad in the yardsale is a good way forward. But as always buy with your eyes open and watch the prices/shipping and fettling costs. What plays well for one person may be a lemon for you (sorry Aldevs, not getting at your Sequoia's).
Hi everyone - I am ebay member over 5 years. I would not buy from this guy any horn and that is from simple reason. He get all horns from the E bay. When he win the bid lets say 120 punds for old conn - he take the horn change the case, take mouthpiece out and sell it for 80 pounds - mouthpiece advertised as vintage ultra rare. and then He will write ultra rare horn, very nice player, and put the double or triple price up. Many times I found his items been in auction already. What he did just changed the case. I saw an bariton saxophone which he bough for 600 pounds and next few weeks been on gumtree for 1450 pounds. If you look on his ratings - if anyone gave him bad fedback he reply that he has mental problem etc. Its up to you but I would support someone who understand the horn and make full overhaul for that price he asking for. It is not a worthy to buy from him unless you really desperate to have the things he have.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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