Mouthpieces Difference of High Tip versus High Baffle


Hi there,
I've been thinking about finding some explanation for differences of mouthpieces by means of ways of producing high velocity of air over the reed when the high part of the baffle is only at the tip followed by dropping smoothly to the deep of the chamber versus ones that the high part of the baffle continues along the mouthpiece for half an inch or an inch and then sharply drops to the deep part of the chamber. Is the latter one more prone to sound thin? I haven't tried a lot of mouthpieces but it's good to have some sort of idea which designs are more prone to produce fatter / thiner sounds.
I hope this doesn't sound too confusing.
It is not confusing: you are just opening a huge bucket of worms.

Very generally speaking, deep chambers tend to have a darker sound, high baffles a brighter/edgier sound.

About fatness/thinness I would relate it with facings, but there are too many exceptions to my theory.
I'm curious to know if there is a mouthpiece design tip that distinguishes the characteristic of the ones that start super high baffle (almost no slope) but only for a few millimetres and then drops deep (still produces that edgy sound) versus ones that start with some slope but that slope continues for half an inch or even one inch. If you think about the increased velocity on the baffle creating more high frequency vibration, the first one (high baffle just in the very tip) creates more vibration for the higher notes but the vibration of the reed related to lower notes are not as much affected. The latter has increased air velocity for high notes as well as low notes (tip of reed as well as further back part of the reed) assuming the bigger portion of the reed needs to vibrate for the lower notes. Would be great if there is a mouthpiece refacer or designer in this forum that could clarify that.
assuming the bigger portion of the reed needs to vibrate for the lower notes. Would be great if there is a mouthpiece refacer or designer in this forum that could clarify that.

It doesn't; the same portion vibrates slower. We have Morgan Fry sometimes on the forum, but your questions are quite demanding...

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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