BOTM December 2014- "My Ship"

Ballad of the Month


Well Known
Café Supporter
OK guys Judith asked me to pick this months ballad, the tune is going to be 'My Ship'
This will be new to a few of you I would imagine, there are a couple of variations to it.
The version we will begin with is the AABA version 32 bars with a tag ending. A lot of
fakebooks have it as a 38 bar chorus. If anyone would like the longer version I will provide
backing later on.🙂

For now here is the folder you need"My Ship"

Guys this is a slow one, you have been warned>:) With it being an under played tune and
a new one to some hi @aldevis it might persuade you learn and post a version:thumb:.

Here are a few versions to listen too.

Most of all have fun🙂🙂:thumb:


PS, see it wasn't 'Jingle Bells'
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My first thought was, "Do I know this?". So I rummage through my music collection and find I've got 4 versions of it. I'm sure I used to have a memory. I must have left it somewhere.
I might get round to having a bash at this.
Anybody else having problems downloading from Box?

Been trying to download all morning and they fail...

got the dots but not the backing track
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Great Sound mate ...:thumb:

I totally agree...

Here is my first version. Saxophone/My Ship.mp3

I found out that one of my "old" MPCs, a Mouthpiece Cafe Houseblend, does what I like it to do on my Mark VII, so I will practice on it and see if I can get it under control.
It ihas a relatively long baffle, but a large chamber and requires lots of air.

iPad recording, mixing and mastering, Apogee One Interface, Nohype LRM1 Lundahl Transformer Mic.

BTW: Thanks for the playback, Chris!

Cheers, Guenne
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My first take. Still trying to get the melody sounding nice and the timing right, but the solo came out okay.

I didn't know this one (despite owning 3 versions of it!!!) so it's a reading exercise for me! 😀

Thanks for listening, I'll hopefully record another take this week before going on holidays 🙂

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I totally agree...

Here is my first version. Saxophone/My Ship.mp3

I found out that one of my "old" MPCs, a Mouthpiece Cafe Houseblend, does what I like it to do on my Mark VII, so I will practice on it and see if I can get it under control.
It ihas a relatively long baffle, but a large chamber and requires lots of air.

iPad recording, mixing and mastering, Apogee One Interface, Nohype LRM1 Lundahl Transformer Mic.

BTW: Thanks for the playback, Chris!

Cheers, Guenne

Very nice. The slow vibrato and "glissandi" are especially effective. This was reminiscent of Coltrane's Ballads Album in places.
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Lots of power!

Thank you very much, guys.
I find it very liberating to practice the exercises my teacher gives me.
Just playing to a rhythmic source like a metronome or a loop. (For me loops do the job better, especially percussion loops, as going into a kind of meditation is easier).
Playing for minutes and maybe even an hour just on Ab as a tonal center or even with no tonal center (which is harder for me).
For me the effect is that my view on chords and chord changes gets different. I don't feel the same necessity to outline every chord, instead going more through the song.
Still, the road is very long.

Have a nice day!

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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