Custom key risers

Brilliant article, and looks like a great product. I can think of several uses for it on my older saxes. I currently have the rubber key risers on my old Buesher True Tone sop and alto, as the palm keys are just too low for anyone with long fingers, and I made one using 'Instant Metal for the D key of my bari. Tiny left thumb rests on several horns as well. All could be fettled with this stuff.

BTW, Griff, it's sold from their websitye (hyperlink in Stephen's article) and they're based in London.

I've known about this stuff for ages but trying to get hold of any is nearly impossible! I've been on their mailing lists and all sorts but I keep missing out on the stuff.

I'd love to try this mod out so I'll keep trying to get hold of some some.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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